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ريبيكا جولد - مستشرقة

ريبيكا جولد - مستشرقة

الإسم اللاتيني :  Rebecca Gould
البلد : 
التاريخ :  ... - معاصرة
القرن :  القرن 20_21
الدين : 
التخصص :  الادب الفارسي - الادب العربي

ريبيكا جولد

Rebecca Gould

عضو هيئة التدريس , جامعة بريستول (مدرسة اللغات الحديثة)،

( درست سابقا في جامعة نيويورك، جامعة كولومبيا، وكلية ييل نوس في سنغافورة).

متخصص في آداب العالم الفارسي والإسلامي (وخاصة القوقاز).

من منشوراتها ( باللغة الاصلية ) :

كتب :

1 - Writers and Rebels: The Literature of Insurgency in the Caucasus (Yale University Press, 2016).

2 - After Tomorrow the Days Disappear: Ghazals and Other Poems of Hasan Sijzi of Delhi (Northwestern University Press, 2016).

3 - The Prose of the Mountains: Tales of the Caucasus (Central European University Press, CEUP Classics series, 2015).

4 - TOC for The Persian Genre of Incarceration: Prisons and the Literary Imagination (in progress).

مقالات :

1 - "Beyond the Taqlīd/Ijtihād Dichotomy: Daghestani Legal Thought under Russian Rule," Islamic Law & Society (2017).

By Rebecca Gould and Shamil Shikhaliev.

2 - “The Persian Translation of Arabic Aesthetics: Rādūyānī’s Rhetorical Renaissance,” Rhetorica: A Journal of the History of Rhetoric (2016).

3 - “Cosmopolitical Genres and Geographies: Poetry and History in the Nineteenth Century Caucasus,” Comparative Literature (scheduled for Vol. 69, Number 3, September 2017).

4 - “Finding Bazorkin: A Journey from Anthropology to Literature,” Anthropology and Humanism (2016).

5 - “Wearing the Belt of Oppression: Khāqānī’s Christian Qaṣīda and the Prison Poetry of Medieval Shirvān,” Journal of Persianate Studies (2016).

6 - “The Critique of Religion as Political Critique: Mīrzā Fatḥ ʿAlī Ākhūndzāda’s Pre-Islamic Xenology,” Intellectual History Review (2016), winner of the International Society for Intellectual History’s Charles Schmitt Prize.

7 - “The Much-Maligned Panegyric: Toward a Political Poetics of Premodern Literary Form,” Comparative Literature Studies (2015).

8 - “The Geographies of 'Ajam: The Circulation of Persian Poetry from South Asia to the Caucasus,” The Medieval History Journal (2015).

9 - "Ijtihād against Madhhab: Legal Hybridity and the Meanings of Modernity in Early Modern Daghestan," Comparative Studies in Society and History (2015).

10 - “The Poetics from Athens to al-Andalus: Ibn Rushd’s Grounds for Comparison,” Modern Philology, 112.1 (2014): 1-24.

11 -  “Inimitability versus Translatability: The Structure of Literary Meaning in Arabo-Persian Poetics,” The Translator (2013).

12 - "Engendering Critique: Postnational Feminism in Postcolonial Syria," WSQ (2014), winner of MLA Florence Howe Award for Feminist Scholarship (foreign languages field).

13 - “Hijab as Commodity Form," Feminist Theory (2014).

14 - "The Materiality of Resistance: Israel’s Apartheid Wall in an Age of Globalization," Social Text 118(2014): 1-21.

15 - “Antiquarianism as Genealogy: Arnaldo Momigliano’s Method,” History and Theory (2014).

16 - “Laws, Exceptions, Norms: Kierkegaard, Schmitt, and Benjamin on the Exception,” Telos: A Quarterly Journal of Politics, Philosophy, Critical Theory, Culture, and the Arts (2013).

17 - "The Geography of Comparative Literature," The Journal of Literary Theory (2011).

18 - (translation of R. Gould, “The Geography of Comparative Literature,” Journal of Literary Theory, 2011)

جغرافیای ادبیات تطبیقی

19 - Topographies of Anticolonialism: The Ecopoetical Sublime in the Caucasus from Tolstoy to Mamakaev,” Comparative Literature Studies, special issue on Eco-criticism (2013).

20 - “Conservative in Form, Revolutionary in Content: Rethinking World Literary Canons in an Age of Globalization,” Canadian Review of Comparative Literature (2014).

21 - “Aleksandre Qazbegi’s Mountaineer Prosaics: The Anticolonial Vernacular on Georgian-Chechen Borderlands,” Ab Imperio (2014).

22 - “World Literature as a Communal Apartment: Semyon Lipkin’s Ethics of Translational Difference,” Translation and Literature, special issue on Translators & their Worlds (2012).

23 - “Allegory and the Critique of Sovereignty: Ismail Kadare’s Political Theologies,” Studies in the Novel (2012).

24 - “The Lonely Hero and Chechen Modernity: Interpreting the Story of Gekha the Abrek,” Journal of Folklore Research (2014).

25 - “Prisons Before Modernity: Incarceration in the Medieval Indo-Mediterranean,” Al-Masāq: Islam and the Medieval Mediterranean (2012).

26 - “Adam Bede’s Dutch Realism and the Novelist’s Point of View,” Philosophy and Literature (2012).

27 - “The Death of Caucasus Philology: Towards a Discipline Beyond Areal Divides,” Iran and the Caucasus (2013).

28 - “Vested Reading: Writing the Self through Ethan Frome,” Life Writing (2016).

29 - “Reading Ruins Against the Grain: Istanbul, Derbent, Postcoloniality,” Culture, Theory, & Critique (2012).

30 - "Leaving the house of memory: Post-Soviet traces of deportation memory," Mosaic: a journal for the interdisciplinary study of literature (2012).

31 - “Secularism and Belief in Georgia’s Pankisi Gorge,” Journal of Islamic Studies (2011).

32 - "How Newness Enters the World,” Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East (2008).

33 - “Modernity, Madness, Disenchantment: Don Quixote’s Hunger,” Symplokē: A Journal for the Intermingling of Literary, Cultural and Theoretical Scholarship (2011).

فصول كتب :

1 - “Why Daghestan is Good to Think: Moshe Gammer, Daghestan, and Global Islamic History,” Written Culture in Daghestan (Helsinki: Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae, 2015).

2 - "Language Dreamers: Race and the Politics of Etymology in the Caucasus," Caucasus Paradigms (2007).

3 - Imam Shamil (1797–1871).


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