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الإسم اللاتيني
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أندريا ل . ستانتون - مستشرقة

أندريا ل . ستانتون - مستشرقة

الإسم اللاتيني :  Andrea L. Stanton
البلد : 
التاريخ :  ... - معاصرة
القرن :  20 - 21
الدين : 
التخصص :  التاريخ الاسلامي - الشرق الاوسط - فلسطين

عضو هيئة التدريس في جامعة دنفر، قسم الدراسات الدينية،

التعليم :

دكتوراه، جامعة كولومبيا، تاريخ الشرق الأوسط

ماجستير، جامعة كولومبيا، تاريخ الشرق الأوسط

بكالوريوس، كلية ويليامز، الدين والتاريخ .

مجالات الخبرة / اهتمامات البحث :

الدراسات الإسلامية , تاريخ الشرق الأوسط , الإعلام والسياسة , القومية والسيادة .

من منشوراتها ( باللغة الاصلية ) :

كتب :

1 - This is Jerusalem Calling: State Radio in Mandate Palestine.

2 - Cultural Sociology of the Middle East, Africa, and Asia Volume 1 Middle East.

أوراق :

1 - Who Heard What When: Learning from Radio Broadcasting Hours and Programs in Jerusalem.

2 - Small But Well-Covered: Cedar Rapids' Muslim Community, 1930-1980.

3 - Syria and the Olympics: Nationalism and Identity on an International Stage.

4 - Part of Imperial Communications: British-Governed Radio in the Middle East, 1934-1949.

5 - Pioneer of Olympism in the Middle East’: Gabriel Gemayel and Lebanese Sport.

6 - Slavery: 1920 to Present: Middle East.

7 - Radio: 1920 to Present: Middle Eas.t

8 - Film: 1920 to Present: Middle East.

9 - Television: 1920 to Present: Middle East.

10 - Slavery: 1250 to 1920: Middle East.

11 - Slavery: Prehistory to 1250: Middle East.

12 - Jerusalem Calling: The Birth of the Palestine Broadcasting Service.

13 - One of the Most Active Organizations in the Nation": Cedar Rapids' Muslim Community, 1920-80.

14 - Recent Book “This Is Jerusalem Calling”: State Radio in Mandate Palestine , by Andrea L. Stanton . Austin, TX : University of Texas Press , 2013 . ix + 200 pages. Notes to p. 233 . Bibliography to p. 246 . Index to p. 258 . $55.00 cloth, $25.00 paper.

15 - Syria and the Olympics: National Identity on an International Stage.

16 - Iowan Islam: Cedar Rapids' Muslim Community, 1930s-1970s.

17 - Cosmopolitanism and Consumption: Religion, Advertising, and National Identity in Mandate Palestine.

18 - Sound Made Visible: Radio Sets and Listening Communities in Mandate Palestine.

19 - Islamic Emoticons: Pious Sociability and Community Building in Online Muslim Communities.

20 - Shortages and Expenditures: Managing Music and Musicians on the Palestine Broadcasting Service.

21 - Amazing Cars, Just Prices”– Falastin and Consumer Modernity.

22 - ESB, PBS, and NEBS: Governing an “Empire on Air” in the Middle East, 1934-49.

23 - Nationalizing the International: Lebanon and the Olympics, 1948-2006.

“24 - Our New Fleet of Boeing 737s”: American Technology and National Airlines in Syria and Saudi Arabia.”

25 - The changing face of El Moudjahid during the Algerian War of Independence.

“26 - Palestinians Invade the Lebanon”: The Politics and Economy of Mandate-Era Tourism.

"27 - Religion on the Radio: Managing Religious Broadcasts in Mandate Palestine."

28 - A Little Radio is a Dangerous Thing: State Broadcasting In Mandate Palestine, 1936—1949.

29 - EBay As An Archive: Bidding for Bilad Al-Sham Bargains.

30 - Teaching Immigrant Memoirs: Making History Personal.

31 - Syrian Studies Association News and Syria-Related MESA 2010 Panels.

32 - Teaching With Middle Eastern Constitutions: Exploring Ideals, Assessing Realities.

33 - Built to Suit the Sub-Tropical Climate: Selling Radios in the Levant,

34 - American-ness and the Immigrant/Emigrant Divide: Defining and Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries at the American University of Beirut.

فصول الكتب :

1 - Broadcasting a Nationalist Modernity: Arabic Programming on the Palestine -Broadcasting Service under ‘Ajaj Nuwayhid 1940–1943.

2 - Celebrating' Muhammad's Birthday in the Middle East.

3 - Islamic Emoticons: Pious Sociability and Community Building in Online Muslim Communities.

4 - The Message and American Muslims.


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