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الإسم اللاتيني
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ستيفانو بيغلياردي

ستيفانو بيغلياردي

الإسم اللاتيني :  Stefano Bigliardi
البلد :  ايطالي
التاريخ :  1981م - معاصر
القرن :  20 - 21
الدين : 
التخصص :  المعجزة العلمية للقرآن - الاسلام والعلوم الحديثة

ولد فى كوريجيو (ايطاليا) يوم 11 مايو عام 1981

أستاذ مساعد في الفلسفة , كلية العلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية (شس)

جامعة أخوين في إفران، المغرب .

حصل على شهادة الدكتوراه في الفلسفة - جامعة بولونيا (2008)

وتخرج من جامعة سينا للأجانب (2016).

من منشوراته ( باللغة الاصلية ) :

كتب :

1 – 2014, Islam and the Quest for Modern Science. Conversations with Adnan Oktar, Mehdi Golshani, M. Basil Altaie, Zaghloul El-Naggar, Bruno Guiderdoni, and Nidhal Guessoum. Foreword by Leif Stenberg. Istanbul: Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul (Transactions Series).

المقالات التي استعرضها النظراء :

23 - Santo Daime Narratives in Italy: Walter Menozzi, Stella Azzurra, and the Conceptualization

of Ayahuasca and Science” accepted by Alternative Spirituality and Religion Review, April 11,

reference: jrlewis@rocketmail.com) 2017.

22 - On an Anomalous Piece of Scientology Ephemera: The Booklet Scientology and the Bible”

Temenos - The Nordic Journal of Comparative Religion, 53 (1), 2017, 113–142.

21 - A Gentleman’s Joyous Esotericism: Jean Sendy Above and Beyond the ‘Ancient Aliens’”

Alternative Spirituality and Religion Review, 8 (1), 2017, 1-35.

20 - The ‘Scientific Miracle of the Qur’ān,’ Pseudoscience, and Conspiracism. Analogies,

Overlaps, and Alternatives” Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science, 52 (1), 2017, 146-171.

19 - New Religious Movements, Technology, and Science: The Conceptualization of the EMeter

in Scientology Teachings” Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science 51 (3), 2016, 661–683.

18 - Si muere el Hijo de la Santa Muerte. The Symbolic Codification of Comandante Pantera’s

Death at the Temple in Tultitlán (Mexico)” Studi Tanatologici - Thanatological Studies –Études

Thanatologiques, 8, 2015/2016, 70-91.

17 - La Santa Muerte and Her Interventions in Human Affairs: A Theological Discussion”

Sophia - International Journal of Philosophy and Traditions, 55 (3), 2016, 303-323.

16 - From Contactee to Prophet: The Evolution of Jean Miguères’s Self-Narrative” Alternative

Spirituality and Religion Review 7 (1), 2016, 23-51.

15 - Secret Cousins: Analogies of the Construction of Religious Authority through ‘Science’ in

Maurice Bucaille and Claude Vorilhon (alias Raël)” Nova Religio - The Journal of Alternative

and Emergent Religions, 20 (2), 2016, 34-58.

14 - What Would Ron Choose from the Islamic Basket? Notes on Scientology’s Construction of

Islam” Temenos – Nordic Journal of Comparative Religion, 51 (1), 2015, 95-121.

13 - New Religious Movements and Science: Rael’s Progressive Patronizing Parasitism” Zygon:

Journal of Religion and Science, 50 (1), 2015, 64-83.

12 - Thinking Muhammad Legenhausen’s Non-Reductive Pluralism Through: Some

Reflections about its Implications” International Journal of Islamic Thought. 6, 2014, 71-78.

11 - Testing Latour’s App: A User’s Guide” Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science, 49 (4)2014, 890–903.

10 - Stenmark’s Multidimensional Model and the Contemporary Debate on Islam and Science”

Theology and Science 12, 2014, 8-29.

9 - Who’s Afraid of Theoscientography? An Interpretative Hypothesis on Harun Yahya” Zygon:

Journal of Religion and Science. 49 (1), 2014, 66–80.

8 - Above Analysis and Amazement: Some Contemporary Muslim Characterizations of

‘Miracle’ and Their Interpretation” Sophia - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion,

Metaphysical Theology and Ethics 53 (1), 2014, 113-129.

7 - Some Characterizations of ‘Miracle’ According to Muslim Authors: Sketch of an

Interpretation on the Footprints of S. H. Nasr and J. Hick” Philosophy, Culture, and Traditions9, 2013, 97-118.

6 - The Contemporary Debate on the Harmony between Islam and Science: Emergence and

Challenges of a New Generation” Social Epistemology, 28 (2), 2014, 167-186.

5 - The Interpretation of Miracles according to Mutahhari and Golshani: Comparative and

Critical Notes” Journal of Shi’a Islamic Studies 6 (3), 2013, 261-288.

4 - Barbour’s Typologies and the Contemporary Debate on Islam and Science” Zygon: Journal

of Religion and Science 47 (3), 2012, 501-519.

3 - The Strange Case of Dr. Bucaille. Notes for a Re-Examination” The Muslim World, 102 (2)2012, 248-263.

2 - Snakes from Staves? Science, Scriptures and the Supernatural in Maurice Bucaille” Zygon:

Journal of Religion and Science 46 (4), 2011, 793-805.

1 - Leggi dell’epistemologo e leggi dello scienziato: Wolfgang Spohn e la teoria delle funzioni

di grado” Rivista di filosofia 1, 2010, 57-80 (Italian, with an abstract in English).

فصول الكتب :

1 - “‘You Don’t Want to Have That Kind of Thought in Your Mind’: Li Hongzhi, Aliens, and Science” in Enlightened Martyrdom. The Hidden Side of Falun Gong, edited by Jim Lewis and Huang Chao, Equinox, forthcoming.

2 - “The ‘Scientific Miracle of the Qurʾān’: Map and Assessment” in Islamic Studies Today. Essays in Honor of Andrew Rippin, edited by Majid Daneshgar and Walid A. Saleh, Brill, 2016, 339-353.

 3 - “The Mexican Santa Muerte from Tepito to Tultitlán: Tradition, Innovation and Syncretism at Enriqueta Vargas’ Temple” with Fabrizio Lorusso and Stefano Morrone; chapter in a volume edited by Beth Singler, forthcoming.

By Stefano Bigliardi and Stefano Morrone.

 4 -“ Earth as Battlefield and Mission: Knowledge, Technology and Power in L. R. Hubbard’s Late Novels” in Scientology in Popular Culture. Influences and Struggles for Legitimacy, edited by Susan Raine and Stephen Kent, Praeger, 2017, pp. 53-79.

 5 -“ Exploring the Contemporary Debate over Islam and Science in India: Portrait of the Aligarh School” in Science and Religion: East and West, edited by Yiftach Fehige, Routledge, 2016; 174-188.

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