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هاكان اوزكان

هاكان اوزكان

الإسم اللاتيني :  Hakan Özkan
البلد : 
التاريخ :  ... - معاصر
القرن :  القرن 20_21
الدين : 
التخصص :  الادب - اللغة العربية - الشعر العربي

هاكان اوزكان

Hakan Özkan


التعليم الجامعي

10،2002-5، 2006، دكتوراه الألمانية-الفرنسية في الأدب العربي الكلاسيكي تحت إشراف الأستاذ الدكتور Claude Audebert ،

جامعة إيكس أون بروفانس- مرسيليا , جامعة كولونيا ،  جامعة هارفارد.


10،2004-5 2006 اللغة اليونانية الحديثة وآدابها في جامعة إيكس-بروفانس-مرسيليا

10،2000-10،2001 دورة في المعهد الفرنسي للدراسات العربية , دي داماس، دمشق، سوريا

10،1995-6،2000 درجة الماجستير في جامعة كولونيا

الدراسات الإسلامية (الكبرى)، الهندو أوروبية (NF)، القانون الدولي (NF)، اللسانيات، الدراسات اليونانية الحديثة، اللغات الرومانسية

من الأنشطة الأكاديمية :

1.2014 - حتى الآن زميل باحث في جامعة مونستر

6،2013-12،2013 استاذ زائر, يونيفرسيداد دي غرناطة

3،2013-6،2013 WISS. زميل في معهد علم الموسيقى في جامعة مونستر

10،2011-7،2012 استاذ زائر في معهد الدراسات التخصصية القبرصية ، جامعة مونستر

11،2010-9،2011 أستاذ زائر، جامعة أكسفورد

وهو عضو في :

الجمعية الشرقية الألمانية (DMG)

جمعية دراسات الشرق الأوسط الألمانية (DAVO)


قائمة منشوراته باللغة الاصلية :

كتب في الادب العربي واللغة العربية والشعر العربي :



Diwān Ibrāhīm al-Miʿmār” A 8/14th century Mamluk anthology of epigrams, muwaššaḥs, zaǧals, bullayqs and mawwāls by Ibrāhīm al-Miʿmār. Critical edition with introduction, commentary, glossary and index. Bibliotheca Islamica, Berlin/ Beirut (other autors: Thomas Bauer, Anke Osigus, to be published fall 2013)



 Narrativität im Kitāb al-Faraǧ baʿda š-šidda des Abū ʿAlī al-Muḥassin at-Tanūḫī (gest. 384/994) (Klaus-Schwarz-Verlag, Berlin 2008, ISBN 978-3-87997-344-6). Reviews of this book by:


[ongoing] La pensée rationaliste d’Ibn al-Humām. Edition critique et commentaire du traité al-Musāyara fī l-ʿaqāʾid al-munǧiʾa fī-l-āḫira de Kamāl al-Dīn Ibn al-Humām (m. 1457). Kamāl al-Dīn Ibn al-Humām’s speculative (kalām) treatise al-Musāyara. Critical edition with introduction and commentary


Articles in peer-reviewed journals



 “The Drug Zajals in Ibrāhīm al-Miʿmār’s Diwān” In: Mamluk Studies Review (to be published)



 “Some Notes on the Islamization of Greek-Speaking Villages in Trabzon” In: Welt des Islams (submitted)



“Muslimisch-Pontisch und die Sprachgemeinschaft des Pontisch-Griechischen im heutigen Trabzon” In: Choregia, 11 (2013), 115-134



“The Pontic Greek Spoken by Muslims in the Villages of Beşköy in the Province of Present-Day Trabzon” In: Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 37, 1 (2013), 130-150



 “Comment narre-t-on un ḫabar? Le narrateur dans les récits de la littérature d‘adab” In: Synergies Monde Arabe 6 (2009), 265-281



“Narrative Voice and Focalisation in Kitāb al-Faraǧ baʿd al-šidda by al-Tanūḫī” (Erzählstimme und Fokalisation im Kitāb al-Faraǧ baʿd aš-šidda des at-Tanūḫī). XXX. Deutscher Orientalistentag, Freiburg, September 24-28, 2007, Selected Papers, Ed. by Rainer Brunner, Jens Peter Laut and Maurus Reinkowski on behalf of Deutsche Morgenlandische Gesellschaft (DMG), Berlin. Online-Publication, March 2008. ISSN 1866-2943.

Link: http://orient.ruf.uni-freiburg.de/dotpub/oezkan.pdf



“Du rôle de la poésie dans les récits du livre al-Faraǧ baʿd al-šidda d’at-Tanūḫī” Annales Islamologiques 40 (2006), 83-106



“Narrengeschichten und die scheinbare Unordnung der Prosakomposition im Kitāb al-Bayān wa-t-tabyīn des ʿAmr b. Baḥr al-Ǧāḥiẓ.” Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 155, 1 (2005), 105-124


[ongoing] “A Romantic Patriot’s Realism: Al-ʿUǧaylī’s anthology Maǧhūla ʿalā al-tarīq”


[ongoing] “An al-mufassira: syntactic and discursive analysis of a grammatical phenomenon in

Classical Arabic”


Review articles



Bina' al-Uslub fi al-Muwashshahat al-Mamlukiyah by Sulafah Abd Allah. Mamluk Studies Review (to be published)



 Al-Jāḥiẓ: A Muslim Humanist for our Time, Ed. by Arnim Heinemann, John L. Meloy, Tarif Khalidi, Manfred Kropp. Die Welt des Islams (in print)



The Weaving of Words. Approaches to Classical Arabic Prose. Ed. by Lale Behzadi and Vahid Behmardi. Die Welt des Islams 53 (2013) 116-119



 Classical Arabic Humanities in Their Own Terms. Festschrift for Wolfhart Heinrichs. Ed. by B. Gruendler and M. Cooperson. Middle Eastern Literatures 12, 3 (2009) 305-309


Miscellaneous articles



“Şam ve savaş” (A literary essay on the perceived impossibility of war in Syria and Turkey) In: edeb!yat (a Turkish literary journal) 38, March/ April 2013, 67-68



“1930’ların Türkiye sanat ve fikir hayatını Yunanistan’a anlatan adam: Avram Papazoğlu (1910-1941)” (The man who introduced Turkish literature to Greece in the 1930s: Avraam Papazoglou) In: edeb!yat (a Turkish literary journal) no. 32 March/April 2012, 110-112



 “Translations of Literature and Works on Social Sciences from Turkish into Greek (1990-2011)” In: Transeuropéennes – International Journal for Critical Thought, Mapping Translation in the Euro-Mediterranean Region initiative by the Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the dialogue between cultures, Paris, 2011, s. links at http://exoriente.net/?p=344



“Greek-Turkish Translations of Literature and Works on Social Sciences between 1990 and 2011” In: Transeuropéennes – International Journal for Critical Thought, Paris, 2011, see links at http://exoriente.net/?p=344



“Literary Translaton from Turkish into Arabic in Arab Countries (1990-2010)” In: Transeuropéennes – International Journal for Critical Thought, Paris, 2011, see links at




 “Mısır’ın yeni anayasası hakkında” (On Egypt’s new constitution). Published in Yeni Anayasa Platformu (a cross-societal platform for a new Turkish consitution), see

http://www.yenianayasaplatformu.org/yazarlar/22, 3 March 2011



“Literary Translaton from Arabic into Turkish in Turkey (1990-2010)” In: Transeuropéennes – International Journal for Critical Thought, Paris, 2010, see links at



Invited talks, conference papers



 Panel Classical Arabic Philology: “Mamlukische zaǧal-Tradition am Beispiel der zwölf zaǧals in Ibrāhīm al-Miʿmārs (gest. 749/1348) Diwan” 23 - 27 September, 2013, Münster University



 “Littérature de l’ivresse/ Ivresse de la littérature: Les enivrants dans le divan de Ibrahim al-Mimar” 21 June 2013, INALCO-CERMOM, Paris



 “La traduction comme miroir : repenser les échanges culturels euro-méditerranéens” 26 September 2012, Comédie Française, Théatre du Vieux-Colombier, Paris



“On Challenges, Opportunities and Best Practices of Translation in the Euro-Mediterranean Region” 25 and 26 June 2012, Bozar (Centre of Fine Arts), Brussels



 “Das Pontusgriechische im heutigen Trabzon” 5 June 2012, Münster University



 “The Drug Zajals in Ibrāhīm al-Miʿmār’s Diwān” 28-29 April 2012, University of Chicago



 “Romeyka in Nowadays Turkey - The Pontic Dialects of Trabzon” 9 June 2011, Oxford Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages, Oxford University



“Les fluxs de traduction littéraire turc-arabe/ arabe-turc pendant les années 1990-2010”, 22-23 May 2011, Transeuropéennes, Royaumont, France



“Who Influenced Whom? The Interaction of Turkish and Romeyka in Sürmene/ Trabzon”, 19 May 2011, King’s College, London



“Bir Dil Nasıl Kaydedilir? Trabzon’da Rumca Üzerine Saha Araştırmaları” (How to Record a Language - Linguistic Fieldwork in Trabzon), 23 December 2010, Galatasaray University, Istanbul



 “Language of the Mountains - The Rumca Dialect of Sürmene”, Institut Français d’Études Anatoliennes (IFEA), Istanbul, 8 December 2010



 “Inflection and Tenses in the Sürmene Varieties of Pontus” at the conference “The Greek Language in Pontus: Romeyka in Contemporary Trebizond” at Queens’ College, Cambridge University, 13 March 2010



 “Narrative Voice and Focalisation in Kitāb al-Faraǧ baʿd al-šidda by al-Tanūḫī” (Erzählstimme und Fokalisation im Kitāb al-Faraǧ baʿd aš-šidda des at-Tanūḫī). XXX. Deutscher Orientalistentag, 26 September 2007, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany.


Conference host



 Co-host of the symposium “The Greek Language in Pontus: Romeyka in Contemporary Trebizond” at Queens’ College, Cambridge University, 13 March 2010 (together with Ioanna Sitaridou, Cambridge University)


Translated works


Arabic into German

(1) novel) Fadi Azzam: Sarmada, Verlag Hans Schiler, Berlin to be published summer 2014


Arabic into Turkish (books on Islamic culture and theology)

          2 ) Abū al-Ḥasan ʿAlī al-Nadwī: İslam’ın Siyâsî Yorumu (original title: al-Tafsīr al-siyāsī li al-Islām), Bedir Publishers, İstanbul 2007, ISBN 978-975-8514-96

          (3 ) Pseudo-)Abū Ḥāmid al-Ġazālī (gest. 505/1111): Ulûm-i Âhiret Keşfindeki Parlak İnci (original title: al-Durra al-fāḫira fī kašf al-ʿulūm al-āḫira), Bedir Publishers (to be published)

          4 ) Usāma al-Sayyid: Kardâvî’nin Gerçek Yüzü (original title: al-Qardāwī fī al-ʿarāʾ), Bedir Publishers (to be published)


Arabic into Turkish (literary works)

 (5 ) prose) Mahmoud Darwish: Gazze için sessizlik – Alışılagelmiş hüznün günlüğü (original title: Yawmiyyāt al-ḥuzn al-ʿādī), Özgür Yayınları, İstanbul 2009, ISBN 978-975-4472-660

(6 ) novel) Samuel Shimon: Paris’te bir Iraklı (original title: ʿIrāqī fī Bārīs), Bu Yayınları, İstanbul (to be published summer 2013)

(7  ) prose) Fadi Azzam: Şam bu orospu çocukları (original title: Innahā Dimašq yā awlād al-qaḥba) In: edeb!yat (a Turkish literary journal) no. 38 March/April 2013, 69-71

 (8 ) novel) Fadi Azzam: Sarmada, to be published spring 2014

9 ) Various poetry by Mourid Barghouthi, Fadhil al-Azzawi, Joumana Haddad and others for the yearly International Istanbul Poetry Festival (2009-2013)


Spanish into Turkish

(10 ) poetry) Graciela Aráoz: Şeytan Kadın (original title: Diabla), Özgür Yayınları, İstanbul 2010, ISBN 978-975-447-278-3, Work published under the auspices of the Foreign Office of the Rebpublic of Argentina

(11 ) novel) Guillermo J. Fadanelli: Rock Hudson’un Öteki Yüzü. (original title: La otra cara de Rock Hudson), Özgür Yayınları (to be published spring 2013)

 (12 ) ( poetry) Rocío Cerón: Tiento (to be published fall 2013

Greek into Turkish

13 ) Αντώνης Σαμαράκης (Antonis Samarakis): Nehir (a short story with the original title: Το Ποτάμι). In: Çevirmenin Notu 10, (Journal for Translation Studies), Istanbul 2010

14 ) Αβραάμ Παπάζογλου (Avram Papazoğlu): Bir kadın düşmanı (a Greek review of Reşat Nuri Güntekin’s novel originally published in the Athenian literary magazine Νέα Εστία, July 1932, 774-775). In: edeb!yat (a Turkish literary journal) no. 32 March/April 2012, 113-114


French into Turkish

15 ) Réné Maran: Batuala (original title: Batouala), Bu Yayınları, İstanbul (to be published spring 2013)

16 ) Tim Guénard: Nefretten de güçlü (original title: Plus fort que la haine), Bu Yayınları, İstanbul (to be published summer 2013)



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معهد للدراسات العربية والإسلامية في جامعة مونستر _ المانيا :





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