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الإسم اللاتيني
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د , جيرشون ليونتال

د , جيرشون ليونتال

الإسم اللاتيني :  D Gershon Lewental
البلد : 
التاريخ :  ... - معاصر
القرن :  20 - 21
الدين : 
التخصص :  العرب وايران - البهائية - اسرائيل

عضو هيئة التدريس في جامعة أوكلاهوما ، التاريخ،

أستاذ الزائر لدراسات إسرائيل في قسم التاريخ وكلية الدراسات الدولية بجامعة أوكلاهوما. حصل على درجة البكالوريوس في الفنون من جامعة كورنيل ودكتوراه في تاريخ الشرق الأوسط من جامعة برانديز.

وقد تلقت أطروحته، حول معركة القادسية خلال الفتح العربي الإسلامي لإيران وتغيير التصورات عن المشاركة عبر الزمن، جائزة غلاتزر للأطروحات في جامعة برانديس ومؤسسة جائزة أفضل أطروحة للدراسات الإيرانية.

وتشمل مجالات تخصصه :

التاريخ الإيراني، والإسلام المبكر، والإيمان البهائي، والمجتمع الإسرائيلي.

من منشوراته ( باللغة الاصلية ) :

أوراق :

1 - The Death of Rostam: Literary representations of Iranian identity in early Islam

Iranian Studies.

2 - ‘Saddam’s Qadisiyyah’: Religion and history in the service of state ideology in Baʿthi Iraq.

عروض المؤتمر :

1 - From Israelites to Muslims: Biblical paradigms in the Futūḥ literature (and panel organiser, 'Imagining the ummah: Texts, culture, and the creation of community in early Islam).

2 - The Derafsh-e kāveyān: The Pre-Islamic Iranian national standard in myth, history, and memory.

3 - Symbols of (Iranian) empire: Banners, thrones, carpets, and pearls in Arab-Islamic conquest narratives.

4 - ‘The (Gem) star-spangled banner yet waves’: Iranian priceless treasures in early Islamic history and memory.

5 - Bahāʾīs and Jews in the Holy Land, 1917–1957: Symbiosis and scholarship.

6 - Hero and Trickster in early Islamic historiography: The Case of the Qādisiyyah narratives (invited panelist).

7 - From Settlement to Symbol: al-Qadisiyyah and the dehistoricisation of memory in mediæval narratives, sermons, and poetry.

8 - Myth and memory in Islamic narratives: Saʿd and Abū Miḥjan at the Battle of al-Qādisiyyah (panel organiser, ‘Narratives and memory of early Islamic society’).

9 - Rostam’s death at al-Qādisiyyah: Early representations of Iranian identity in Islamic narratives.

10  - Rustam’s death at al-Qādisiyya and the development of an Islamic Iranian identity.

11 - Iranian and Islamic heritage and the formation of Tajiki national identity (invited participant).

12 - ‘First’, ‘second’, and ‘third’ battles of al-Qādisiyyah in Iraq, Palestine, and Syria: Early Islamic history and memory in radical Islamist discourse.

13 - The Death of Rostam: Literary representations of Iranian identity in early Islam.

المحاضرات العامة :

1 - Finding truth in the Futūḥ: Challenges in studying the Arab-Islamic conquests.

2 - From Protective Edge to pre-emptive elections: Israeli news and analysis.

3 - Radical Islam and the Arab-Israeli conflict.

4 - Israeli elections primer: Understanding and interpreting the 17 March 2015 elections.

5 - Israeli culture and cuisine.

6 - Narratives of Islamic historiography: Reading historical texts as literature.

7 - The Iran-Iraq war of words: Enlisting nationalism and religion in combat.

8 - Israel and the US.

9 - The Tumultuous Seventh-Century: The Arab-Islamic conquests and the reshaping of the world.

10 - Creating and constructing heroes and anti-heroes in early Islamic historiography.

11 - The Iran-Iraq War of words, memory, and religious history.

12 - The Baháʾí faith and the State of Israel.

13 - Jews, Judaism, Israel, and the Middle East.

14 - Between Egypt, Syria, and the Palestinian Territories: Israel in today’s Middle East.

15 - History of the Baháʾí community in the Holy Land, 1917 to the present.

16 - An Israeli elections primer: Understanding and interpreting the 22 January 2013 elections.

17 - The Rise of Jewish national identity in the modern world.

18 - The Baháʾí faith in the Holy Land and Baháʾí-Israeli relations.

19 - The Art of Zionism: Jewish national identity in the modern world.

20 - The Bahāʾī faith in Israel and its community’s relations with the Jewish state.

وله اعمال اخرى كثيرة , يرجى الرجوع الى المصدر للاطلاع عليها .

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