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جنيفر بريسون - مستشرقة

جنيفر بريسون - مستشرقة

الإسم اللاتيني :  Jennifer Bryson
البلد :  امريكية
التاريخ :  ... - معاصرة
القرن :  20 - 21
الدين : 
التخصص :  الاسلام - الارهاب

عضو هيئة التدريس في الكلية الحربية للجيش الأمريكي ، DDE2016 ،

مدير التطوير والعمليات في مركز الإسلام والحرية الدينية في واشنطن العاصمة. أستاذ زائر في الكلية الحربية للجيش الأمريكي في كارلايل ، بنسيلفانيا.

شغلت عدة مناصب في وزارة الدفاع ، بما في ذلك توفير خدمات الاتصال والتحليل المتعلقة بمصر واليمن وإدارة فريق أبحاث مكافحة الإرهاب ، والحصول على جائزة خدمة الجدارة المدنية للدفاع عن هذا العمل. عملت مؤخراً في مكتب وزير الدفاع ، قادت العمل في مكتب دعم الدبلوماسية العامة.

عملت أيضا في الصحافة.

وهي تتقن اللغتين الألمانية والعربية ولديها معرفة القراءة باللغة اللاتينية واليونانية والسريانية والفرنسية والفارسية.

التعليم :

شهادة الدكتوراة لغات وحضارات الشرق الأدنى ، جامعة ييل.

ماجستير في التاريخ ، جامعة ييل.

الشهادة الجامعية الاولى العلوم السياسية ، جامعة ستانفورد.

من منشوراتها ( باللغة الاصلية ) :

أوراق :

1 - U.S. Engagement of Foreign Audiences: Post-9/11 Mistakes and Today's New Opportunities

The Muslim World, 2011.

2 - "Toward a Muslim Marketplace of Ideas," in The Review of Faith & International Affairs.

3 - "Peace Tendencies in Islamic Theology," in Violence and Civil Society: Monotheism Guilty?.

4 - Study in the GDR

Die Unterrichtspraxis / Teaching German, 1989.

مقالات ( الموسوعة ) :

1 - Terrorism and Religion

War and Religion: An Encyclopedia of Faith and Conflict, 2017.

2 - Peace in the Quran

War and Religion: An Encyclopedia of Faith and Conflict, 2017.

استعراض الكتب ، الأكاديمية :

1 - Review of Arab Society in Revolt: The West’s Mediterranean Challenge

Review of Arab Society in Revolt: The West’s Mediterranean Challenge, edited by Cesare Merlini and Olivier Roy (Brookings, 2013). Peace & Stability Operations Journal Online, January 2013, Issue 3, Volume 2, pp. 27-28.

2 - Review of God's Century: Resurgent Religion and Global Politics

Review of God's Century: Resurgent Religion and Global Politics by M. Toft, D. Philpott,and T. Shah in Marine Corps University Journal, Spring 2012, pp. 119-121.

3 - Review of Confronting Political Islam: Six Lessons from the West's Past

Review of Confronting Political Islam: Six Lessons from the West's Past by John M. Owen (Princeton University Press, 2014). In the Review of Faith and International Affairs, Volume 13, Issue 4, 2015, pp. 95-96.

4 - Review of Silenced: How Apostasy and Blasphemy Codes are Choking Freedom Worldwide

A review of Paul Marshall and Nina Shea, Silenced: How Apostasy and Blasphemy Codes are Choking Freedom Worldwide (New York: Oxford University Press, 2011), a book that examines the impact of apostasy and blasphemy laws on converts away from Islam, religious minorities, and Muslim intellectuals, and that also includes essays by three Muslim contributors who argue Islam itself does not require, or even support, the temporal punishments for apostasy and blasphemy. Published in Review of Faith and International Affairs, Volume 11, Issue 3, 2013, pp. 84-85.


استعراض الكتب ، وسائل الإعلام العامة :

1 - Review of "The Reluctant Mullah"

The Reluctant Mullah, by British author Sagheer Afzal is a funny novel, and it is much more. It manages to be cute and chatty at times while, in the end, piercing, with a devastating thrust, into the depths of what it means to submit to God even in the face of excruciating tragedy.

2 - Review of "American Dervish"

Akhtar skillfully develops wonderful characters. As I delved into this novel I kept wanting to find more and more time to read so I could find out what would happen to characters such as the main figure Hayat; Mina, a dear family friend; and Mina’s suitor, the kind Jewish doctor Nathan. Also, Akhtar powerfully tackles the serious, generally taboo topics of Jew-hatred and domestic abuse. (This courageous novel goes beyond abstract “anti-Semitism”; American Dervish confronts outright hatred and its real-life consequences.)

3 - Review of "Do Unto Otters"

How we proceed will have an impact both domestically and abroad. At home we need to decide whether to strengthen or to rip apart the fabric of our own society. Abroad, what we are at home determines how we look in the world’s eyes. If we are hateful to others at home, we dare not be surprised if others are hateful towards us abroad.

4 - Review of "The Jew is Not My Enemy: Unveiling the Myths that Fuel Muslim Anti-Semitism"

In The Jew Is Not My Enemy , Tarek Fatah examines the history of Muslim anti-Semitism, identifying and challenging “the fundamental myths that sustain Judeophobia,” a pathology unfortunately widespread among Muslims today.

5 - Review of "Journey into America: The Challenge of Islam"

Violent Islamist extremism is no longer just an “over there” problem that might travel across oceans to attack here. In case anyone doubted that this phenomenon is domestic and “home-grown,” one can do so no longer. Adding to this undeniable reality, we have by the end of 2010 seen some Americans’ fear of violent Islamist extremism morph into fear and even outright hatred of Islam and of Muslims themselves. In just the past few months America nearly became the home to “Burn a Koran Day,” and the national conversation experienced a rapid escalation into very sharp barbs in the public discussions about the proposed Park 51 Islamic cultural center and mosque near Ground Zero in New York.

6 - Review of "The German Mujahid"

Whose problem is fanaticism within a religious faith? Is it only a problem for the fanatics themselves and for the victims of the fanatics’ actions? Is fanaticism essentially irrelevant for non-fanatical co-religionists? Or do those who see through fanaticism and reject it have a particular responsibility as co-believers to try to diminish internal religious and ideological fanaticism? These are among the questions Algerian novelist Boulem Sansal tackles in his gripping novel The German Muhajid

7 - Review of "The Last Summer of Reason"

The Algerian novel The Last Summer of Reason provides a powerful and strangely beautiful reminder of the danger of letting violent ideological fundamentalism fester. We would do well to heed this reminder now, not later.

8 - Review of "Peace Catalysts: Resolving Conflict in our Families, Organizations, and Communities"

In his new book Peace Catalysts, Rick Love offers a concise, clearly written tour of what the Bible has to say about peace. Along the way Love dislodges peace activist stereotypes which can range from utopian idealists wearing tie-dyed shirts to angry, even violent, activists. By contrast “Biblical peacemaking,” explains Love,” is neither sentimental nor naïve,” nor should it breed rage rooted in the frustration of disappointment.

9 - Review of "Radical: My Journey out of Islamist Extremism"

Radical, by Maajid Nawaz, brings the reader inside the individual human dynamics of one young man’s transition into extremist Islamism and his eventual departure from it.

10 - Review of "My Isl@m: How Fundamentalism Stole my Mind-and Doubt Freed my Soul"

A young Muslim author learns to seek the truth about God through questioning instead of blind faith.

رابط المصدر :

http:// http://usawc.academia.edu/JenniferBryson

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