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الإسم اللاتيني
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ليوناردو شيوشيت

ليوناردو شيوشيت

الإسم اللاتيني :  Leonardo Schiocchet
البلد :  ايطالي من اصل برازيلي
التاريخ :  ... - معاصر
القرن :  20 - 21
الدين : 
التخصص :  اللاجئين - فلسطين - العراق - سوريا

موضف علمي في الأكاديمية النمساوية للعلوم ، معهد الأنثروبولوجيا الاجتماعية (ISA) ،

دكتوراه في الأنثروبولوجيا.

متخصص في الأنثروبولوجيا للهجرة القسرية والشرق الأوسط وعمليات الانتماء الاجتماعي.

العنوان : فيينا ، النمسا.

الجنسية : البرازيلية والايطالية .

المجالات الرئيسية للبحوث :

الأنثروبولوجيا فلسطين , دراسات اللاجئين , الدراسات الشرق أوسطية والإسلامية , القومية ،

العرق والدين , الطقوس والانتماء العمليات ,الشك والثقة .

الألقاب الأكاديمية :

دكتور في الفلسفة (دكتوراه) في الأنثروبولوجيا في جامعة بوسطن (BU).

بوسطن / ماساتشوستس ، الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية. 2005-2011

عنوان الرسالة: حياة اللاجئين: الطقوس والانتماء في اثنين من مخيمات اللاجئين الفلسطينيين في لبنان .

ماجستير في الآداب (M.A) في الأنثروبولوجيا الاجتماعية والثقافية في جامعة برازيليا

Brasília / Distrito Federal.، Brazil. 2003-2005 (UNB)

ليسانس الآداب (B.A) في العلوم الاجتماعية في الجامعة الاتحادية في بارانا

(UFPR) بارانا ، البرازيل. 1999-2003.

بعض المنح والجوائز :

ا. منحة مستقلة (صندوق العلوم النمساوي - FWF)

فيينا، النمسا. منحة أبحاث ما بعد الدكتوراه. يوليو 2018 - يونيو 2022.

ب. برنامج صناديق الابتكار (أكاديمية العلوم النمساوية)

فيينا، النمسا. منحة أبحاث ما بعد الدكتوراه. من يوليو 2017 حتى يونيو 2018.

ج. برنامج ليز مايتنر (FWF)

فيينا، النمسا. منحة أبحاث ما بعد الدكتوراه. مايو 2015 - يونيو 2017.

د. CAPES (وزارة التعليم البرازيلية)

برازيليا ، البرازيل. منحة ما بعد الدكتوراه. يوليو 2013 - Dez 2014

ه. CNPQ (وزارة العلوم البرازيلية)

برازيليا ، البرازيل. منحة ما بعد الدكتوراه. يناير 2011 - يناير 2013

من منشوراته ( باللغة الاصلية ) :

كتب :

Kohbacher, Josef and Schiocchet, Leonardo (Eds.) 2017. From Destination to Integration – Afghan, Syrian And Iraqi Refugees in Vienna (ISR-Forschungsberichte, Heft 47). Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences Press.

 SCHIOCCHET, Leonardo (Ed.). 2015. Entre o Velho e Novo Mundo: A Diáspora Palestina desde o Oriente Médio à América Latina [Between the Old and the New World: The Palestinian Diaspora from the Middle East to Latin America]. Lisbon: Chiado Editora.

المقالات المنشورة في المجلات الأكاديمية :

SCHIOCCHET, Leonardo. 2016. “On The Brink of a State of Exception? – Austria, Europe and the Refugee Crisis”. In Critique & Humanism, Vol 46, No. 2.

 SCHIOCCHET, Leonardo. 2014. Suspicion and the Economy of Trust among Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon. Cambridge Anthropology, volume 32, issue no. 2, 2014 (Endres, Kirsten W. and Six-Hohenbalken, Maria (Eds.) Risks, Ruptures and Uncertainties: Dealing with Crisis in Asia's Emerging Economies).

 SCHIOCCHET, Leonardo. 2014. Palestinidade: Resistência, Tempo e Ritual no Campo de Refugiados Palestinos Al-Jalil, Líbano [Palestinianness: Resistance, Tempo and Ritual in al-Jalil Palestinian Refugee Camp, Lebanon]. Antropolítica (Dossier Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon) No 35 (2013), pp.77-99. Rio de Janeiro/Brazil: UFF.

 SCHIOCCHET, Leonardo. 2014. Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon: Is the Camp a Space of Exception?. Mashriq & Mahjar. Volume 2, Issue 1, Spring/Summer 2014. Pp. 130-160.

 Леонардо Счиочет. 2014. БЕЖАНСКИЯТ ЛАГЕР И ГРАДЪТ: ДАЛИ ЛАГЕРЪТ ДЕЙСТВИТЕЛНО Е ИЗВЪН-РЕДНО ПРОСТРАНСТВО? In Критика и хуманизъм, кн. 42, бр. 1-2/2013 [SCHIOCCHET, Leonardo. 2014. The Refuge and the City: is the Camp Indeed a Space of Exception?. Critique and Humanism (The City as a Stake in Local and Global Politics). No. 42. 1-2, 2013. Sofia/Bulgaria: HSSF.

 Леонардо Счиочет. 2014. ПАЛЕСТИНСКИТЕ БЕЖАНСКИ ЛАГЕРИ В ЛИВАН – ПРЕНАРЕЖДАНЕ НА СИМВОЛНОТО ПРОСТРАНСТВО (ФОТОНАРАТИВ) In Критика и хуманизъм, кн. 42, бр. 1-2/2013 [SCHIOCCHET, Leonardo. (January, 2014). Photo Narrative: Palestinian Refugee Camps in Lebanon – Symbolic Space Reordered. Critique and Humanism (The City as a Stake in Local and Global Politics) [language: Bulgarian]. No. 42. 1-2, 2013. Sofia/Bulgaria: HSSF]

 Schiocchet, Leonardo. 2011. Far Middle East, Brave New World: The Building of the Middle East and the Arab Spring. The Perspective of the World Review, Vol.3, No.2. August 2011. Brasilia/Brazil: IPEA.

SCHIOCCHET, Leonardo. 2011. Palestinian Sumud: Steadfastness, Ritual and Time among Palestinian Refugees. Birzeit Working Paper Series. Ibrahim Abu-Lughod Institute of International Studies, Birzeit University, Ramallah, Palestine. http://home.birzeit.edu/ialiis/userfiles/WPS2011-51Leonardo.pdf

 SCHIOCCHET, Leonardo. 2011. Extremo Oriente Médio, Admirável Mundo Novo: A Construção do Oriente Médio e a Primavera Árabe [Extreme Middle East, Brave New World: The Construction of the Middle East and the Arab Spring]. Tempo do Mundo, Vol.3, No.2 – August 2011. Brasilia/Brazil: IPEA.

 SCHIOCCHET, Leonardo Augusto. 2010. Refugee Lives: Ritual and Belonging in Two Palestinian Refugee Camps in Lebanon. In Lee, Lois and Tekelieglu, Ahmet (ed.) Modernities Revisited: Boundaries and Representations. IWM, Vienna, Austria. 2010, pp. 41-51. http://www.iwm.at/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=49&Itemid=125

SCHIOCCHET, Leonardo Augusto & MARTINS, Homero Moro. 2005. Interview with Alcida Rita Ramos. Campos. Curitiba, Brazil, v. 06, 2005.

 SCHIOCCHET, Leonardo Augusto. 2004. Lévi-Strauss vs. Freud? – Um ensaio [Lévi-Strauss vs. Freud?An Essay]. Revista Vernáculo. Curitiba, Brazil, v. 6/7, 2004.

 SCHIOCCHET, Leonardo Augusto. 2001. Esboço Sobre o Lugar das Questões de Gênero na Ciência [An Outline on the Place of Gender in Science]. Estudos de Gênero. Curitiba, Brazil, v. 01, 2001.

فصول الكتب :

SCHIOCCHET, Leonardo. 2018. Essay for an Anthropology of the Fiduciary. In Florian Mühlfried (Ed.), Mistrust: Ethnographic Approximations, pp.93-104. Bielefeld: Transcript Vervag.

 Schiocchet, Leonardo. 2017. Integration and Encounter in Humanitarian Tutelage. In Kohbacher, Josef and Schiocchet, Leonardo (Eds.), pp 09-35. From Destination to Integration – Afghan, Syrian And Iraqi Refugees in Vienna (ISR-Forschungsberichte, Heft 47). Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences Press.

Kohbacher, Josef and Schiocchet, Leonardo. 2017. Foreword. In Kohbacher, Josef and Schiocchet, Leonardo (Eds.) 2017. From Destination to Integration – Afghan, Syrian And Iraqi Refugees in Vienna (ISR-Forschungsberichte, Heft 47). Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences Press.

 SCHIOCCHET, Leonardo. 2017. The Middle East and its Refugees. In Fartacek, Gebhard & Binder, Susanne. (Eds). Facetten von Flucht aus dem Nahen und Mittleren Osten, pp. 101-122. Vienna: Facultas-Verlags.

SCHIOCCHET, Leonardo. 2017. Uma Nação Sem Estado: A Palestina dos Palestinos [A Stateless Nation: The Palestine of the Palestinians] in LIMONCIC, Flávio & MARTINHO, Francisco. A Experiência Nacional [The National Experience], pp. 353-84. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Civilização Brasileira (Language: Portuguese).

 SCHIOCCHET, Leonardo. 2015. Palestinian Steadfastness as a Mission, in Building Noah’s Ark (eds) A. Horstmann and J-H. Jung. London: Palgrave McMillan.

 SCHIOCCHET, Leonardo. 2013. Palestinian Sumud: Steadfastness, Ritual and Time among Palestinian Refugees. in Asem Khalil (ed.). Palestinian Refugees: Different Generations but One Identity. Ibrahim Abu-Lughod Institute of International Studies, Birzeit University, Ramallah, Palestine.

SCHIOCCHET, Leonardo. 2012. Lebanon in Stanton, Andrea (Editor), Ramsamy (Editor), Seybolt (Editor), Elliot, Carolyn (Editor). Encyclopedia of Cultural Sociology. Volume 1: Middle East. Encyclopedia Entry. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE (USA).

SCHIOCCHET, Leonardo. 2012. Palestine in Stanton, Andrea (Editor), Ramsamy (Editor), Seybolt (Editor), Elliot, Carolyn (Editor). Encyclopedia of Cultural Sociology. Volume 1: Middle East. Encyclopedia Entry. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. (USA)

 SCHIOCCHET, Leonardo. 2012. Popular culture in the Middle East, 1920- in Stanton, Andrea (Editor), Ramsamy (Editor), Seybolt (Editor), Elliot, Carolyn (Editor). Encyclopedia of Cultural Sociology. Volume 1: Middle East. Encyclopedia Entry. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. (USA)

 SCHIOCCHET, Leonardo. 2012. Identidades Sociais No Líbano: Sectarismo, Etnicidade e Outras Variáveis [Social Identities in Lebanon: Sectarianism, Ethnicity and Other Variables]. in Variações Interétnicas: etnicidade, conflito e transformações (eds. Faleiros, Rodrigo & Baines, Stephen). Brasília, Brazil: GERI (Grupo de Estudos de Relações Interétnicas) e editora da UnB with CAPES, IEB, CEPPAC and FUNAI.

SCHIOCCHET, Leonardo Augusto. 2010. Deus Traz Pelo Mar: conhecimento e conflito sócioambiental no espaço caiçara da pesca marítima do sul do Brasil [God Brings through the Sea: Knowledge, Conflict, and Myth in the Caiçara Space of the Maritime Fishing in the South of Brazil] in LITTLE, Paul Elliot (ed.). Conhecimentos Tradicionais Para o Século XXI: Etnografias da Intercientificidade. Brasília, Brazil: Editora Annablume.

دوريات تم تحريرها :

SCHIOCCHET, Leonardo Augusto; CORREIA, Cloude de Souza; CIARALLO, Gilson; et all.

Revista Pós – Revista Brasiliense de Ciências Sociais. Ano VIII, 2004. Brasília, Brazil: UNB, 2004.

SCHIOCCHET, Leonardo Augusto; MARTINS, Alice Fátima; CORREIA, Cloude de Souza. Revista Pós – Revista Brasiliense de Ciências Sociais. 2003. Brasília, Brazil: UNB, 2003.

مراجعات :

SCHIOCCHET, Leonardo. (2017). Review of: Hafez, Sherine and Slyomovics, Susan (eds), Anthropology of the Middle East and North Africa: Into the New Millennium. 2013. Anthropology of the Middle East and Central Eurasia (ACME), No. 4, Vol. I. 2017.

SCHIOCCHET, Leonardo. (2016). Review of Yusif Sayigh: Arab Nationalist, Palestinian Patriot, by Rosemary Sayigh. 2015. Antropolitica, No. 38, Vol. II. 2015.

 SCHIOCCHET, Leonardo. 2016. Review of Refugees of the Revolution, by Diana Allan. 2014. American Anthropologist, Vol. 118, no.1, 177-78.

 SCHIOCCHET, Leonardo. 2015. Review of Constructing Transnational and Transracial Identity: Adoption and Belonging in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark, by Ben-Zion, Sigalit. 2014. Social Anthropology/Anthropologie sociale. Vol. 23 No. IV, 2015.

 SCHIOCCHET, Leonardo. 2015. Review of Palestinian, Lebanese and Syrian communities in the world. Theoretical Frameworks and empirical studies, by Batrouney, Trevor, Tobias Boos, Anton Escher and Paul Tabar (eds.). Die Erde Journal of the Geographical Society of Berlin. Vol. 146, No 2-3. (pp. 199-200).

 SCHIOCCHET, Leonardo. 2015. Review of The Republic Unsettled: Muslim French and the Contradictions of Secularism, by Fernando, Mayanthi L. 2014. Social Anthropology/Anthropologie sociale. Vol. 23 No. III, 2015.

 SCHIOCCHET, Leonardo. 2011. Review of A Morada de Ser: Muçulmanos na Europa e Políticas de Identidade, by Nina Clara Tiesler in Social Sciences and Missions, Vol. 25. Leiden: Brill.

 SCHIOCCHET, Leonardo. 2010. (Review) The Making of a Human Bomb, by Naser Abufarha. in Interventions: International Journal of Post-colonial Studies 12.2. London: Routledge.

 SCHIOCCHET, Leonardo. 2010. (Review) ZEIS, Eva-Maria. 2010. I Have a Very Good Trust in My God: La construction de la religiosité des jeunes gens Sunnites à Beyrouth. in Orientalistische Literaturzeitung, No. 107. Münster, Germany. 2012.

 SCHIOCCHET, Leonardo Augusto. 2004. (Review) Tribes and Power: Nationalism and Ethnicity in The Middle East (Jabar, Faleh & Dawod, Hosham; eds.), Saqi Books; Julho 2003. Campos. Curitiba, Brazil, v. 05, 2004.

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