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الإسم اللاتيني
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فيليب بروكماير

فيليب بروكماير

الإسم اللاتيني :  Philipp Bruckmayr
البلد : 
التاريخ :  ... - معاصر
القرن :  20 - 21
الدين : 
التخصص :  الشيعة - حزب الله - كمبوديا - عبد الله غولن

عضو قسم الدراسات الشرقية في جامعة فيينا .

في عام 2007 حصل على الجائزة الثالثة من جوائز الباحث الشاب من "مراجعة ISIM" (المعاناة)، شاركت جامعة الآغا خان في عام 2008 على برنامج "الحضارة الإسلامية ملخصات" (لندن)،

من منشوراته ( باللغة الاصلية ) :

1 - Globale Verflechtungen: Der islamische Faktor in Syrien unter der Baath-Partei.

2 - Divergent processes of localization in twenty-first-century Shiʿism: the cases of Hezbollah Venezuela and Cambodia’s Cham Shiʿis.

3 - The šarḥ/ḥāshiya Phenomenon in Southeast Asia: From al-Sanūsī’s Umm al-Barāhīn to Malay Sifat Dua Puluh Literature.

4 -  Persian Kings, Arab conquerors, and Malay Islam: Comparative perspectives on the place of Muslim epics in the Islamisation of the Chams.

5 - Cambodian Muslims, Transnational NGOs, and International Justice.

6 - Güney ve Güneydoğu Asya’da Mâturîdîlik’in Geçmiş ve Bugünkü Yönleri/Past and Present Aspects of Māturīdism in South and Southeast Asia.

7 - Fethullah Gülen and Islamic Literary Tradition

by Kuleuven Gülenchair and Philipp Bruckmayr.

8 - Syro-Lebanese Influence on the Guajira Peninsula: Unexpected Historical Continuities from Economic Dominance to Hezbollah Venezuela?.

9 - Between Institutionalized Syncretism and Official Particularism: Religion among the Chams of Vietnam and Cambodia.

10 - Syro-Lebanese migration to Colombia, Venezuela and Curacão: from mainly Christian to predominantly Muslim phenomenon.

11 - The Particular Will (al-irāda al-juz’iyya): Excavations regarding a latecomer in kalām terminology on human agency and its position in Naqshbandi discourse.

13 - Arabic and Bilingual Newspapers and Magazines in Latin America and the Caribbean

Historical Aspects of Printing and Publishing in Languages of the Middle East, 2013.

14 - Fethullah Gülen and Islamic Literary Tradition.

15 - The Spread and Persistence of Māturīdi Kalām and Underlying Dynamics

Iran and The Caucasus, 2009.

16 -The Cham Muslims of Cambodia: From Forgotten Minority to Focal Point of Islamic Internationalism.


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