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نيلز فالديمار ويندينغ

نيلز فالديمار ويندينغ

الإسم اللاتيني :  Niels Valdemar Vinding
البلد : 
التاريخ :  ... - معاصر
القرن :  20 - 21
الدين : 
التخصص :  الاسلام في الغرب - أئمة المساجد

عضو هيئة التدريس في جامعة كوبنهاغن ، قسم الدراسات عبر الثقافية والإقليمية ،

يعمل حالياً كأستاذ مساعد في قسم الدراسات الثقافية والإقليمية في جامعة كوبنهاغن. مشروعه هو "أئمة الغرب" وترعاه مؤسسة أبحاث Carlsberg لمدة ثلاث سنوات.

التعليم والتدريب :

2017 - ماجستير في القانون (القانون) في القانون الكنسي ، جامعة كارديف (حتى 2019).

دبلوم الدراسات الجامعية لعام 2015 ، TEACH ، جامعة كوبنهاجن

2009 - 2013 تدريب دكتوراه ، مركز الدراسات الإسلامية الأوروبية ، كلية أصول الدين ، الجامعة

كوبنهاغن ، منحت 6 يونيو 2013

المناصب الإسلامية في مجال التنظيم الديني في الدنمارك وألمانيا وانجلترا ،

تم تقديمها في 1 آذار 2013 وتمت بنجاح الدفاع عنها في 7 أيار 2013.

2006 - 2009 ماجستير في الدراسات الإسلامية (Candidatus) ، قسم الدراسات المشتركة بين الثقافات ، جامعة

كوبنهاغن. ميدالية ذهبية للتميز الأكاديمي منحت للرسالة ، اللغة الإنجليزية

تنظيم الدولة للعلاقة بين الدولة والأنجليكانية والإسلام.

2001 - 2006 بكالوريوس في اللاهوت ، كلية اللاهوت ، جامعة كوبنهاغن

التركيز المواضيعي: الإسلام والمسيحية ، العلاقات بين الكنيسة والكنيسة ، القانون الكنسي .

من منشوراته ( باللغة الاصلية ) :

27) Christensen, H.R., Kühle, L., & Vinding, N.V. (forthcoming), ”Religion and Prisons in Denmark,” Zwilling, A.-L., Religion and Prisons in Europe. EUREL publication, Springer Verlag (forthcoming)

26) Vinding (2018), N.V., “Civilsamfundet og udgrænsningen af de danske trossamfund,” in: Jacobsen, B.A., Reintoft Christensen, H., & Larsen, S.A.E. (eds.), Religion and Civil Society, forthcoming

25) Vinding (2018), N.V., “Editors’ Introduction: The life and work of Jørgen S. Nielsen,” in: Vinding, N.V., Racius, E., & Thielmann, J., (eds.), Exploring the Multitude of Muslims in Europe. Essays in Honour of Jørgen S. Nielsen, Muslim Minorities Series, Vol. 27, Leiden: Brill Publishers 2018

 24) Vinding (2018), N.V., “Churchification of Islam in Europe”, in: Vinding, N.V., Racius, E., & Thielmann, J., (eds.), Exploring the Multitude of Muslims in Europe. Essays in Honour of Jørgen S. Nielsen, Muslim Minorities Series, Vol. 27, Leiden: Brill Publishers 2018

23) Vinding, N.V., Racius, E., & Thielmann, J., (eds.), Exploring the Multitude of Muslims in Europe. Essays in Honour of Jørgen S. Nielsen, Muslim Minorities Series, Vol. 27, Leiden: Brill Publishers 2018

22) Hashas, M., J. J. de Ruiter, and N. V. Vinding, (2018), "Editorial Introduction," in: Hashas, M., J. J. de Ruiter, and N. V. Vinding, (eds.) Imams in Western Europe, Developments, Transformations, and Institutional Challenges, University of Amsterdam Press, 2018

21) Vinding (2018), N.V., "Towards a Typology of Imams of the West," in: Hashas, M., J.J. de Ruiter, and N. V. Vinding, (eds.) Imams in Western Europe, Developments, Transformations, and Institutional Challenges, University of Amsterdam Press, 2018

 20) Hashas, M., J. J. de Ruiter, and N. V. Vinding, eds. (2018) Imams in Western Europe, Developments, Transformations, and Institutional Challenges, University of Amsterdam Press, 2018

 19) Christoffersen, M., Høxbroe, S. & Vinding, N.V., eds., (2017) From a Common Word to Committed Dialogue: Danish-Arab Interfaith Dialogue 2012-16. Copenhagen: Secret Chamber Press, 2017. 128 s.

 18) Vinding (2017), N.V.,”Martin Luther og mødet med islam,” in: Religion. Tidsskriftet for Religionslærerforeningen for Gymnasiet og HF, Nr. 1, 01.03.2017, s. 38-48.

 17) Vinding (2017), N.V., “Review: Ingvill Thorson Plesner: Religionspolitikk [Politics of religion].” Nordic Journal of Religion and Society, 01.06.2017, s. 85-87.

16) Vinding (2016), N.V., “ Islamforskning og Islamiske Studier på Københavns Universitet,” i: Tidsskrift for Islamforskning, no. 1., vol 10, 2016, pp. 21-35

 15) Vinding (2016), N.V., “The Question of Sharīʿa in Denmark," Sharia Source at Harvard Law School, https://shariasourceblog.wordpress.com/2016/08/03/264/

 14) Vinding, N.V., & Saggau, E.B.H. (2016), ”Challenges of the Institutionalization of Same Sex Marriage for Religious Pluralism in Denmark,” in: Aslan, E. (ed.) Religious Pluralism in Europe, Springer International Publishing

13) Vinding (2016), N.V., “Et ganske særligt monster,” Det Flyvende Spaghettimonsters Evangelium, Gyldendal 2016

 12) Vinding (2015), N.V., “Shari’a i Europa," Religion. Tidsskriftet for Religionslærerforeningen for Gymnasiet og HF, Nr. 4, 2015

 11) Vinding (2015), N.V., "Det Flyvende Spaghettimonster og pastafarianismen," in Monstre: Årbog for ToRS 2014. Ditte Maria Søgaard & Thomas Brudholm (Eds), Institut for Tværkulturelle og Regionale Studier, Københavns Universitet, 2015.

10) Christoffersen (2013), L. & Vinding, N.V., “Challenged Pragmatism - Conflicts of Law and Religion in the Danish Labour market,” in: International Journal of Discrimination and the Law, Sage Publications (2012)

9) Vinding (2013), N.V., & Perlt, M.: ”Kong Frederik VII og den Danske Civilreligion,” in: Warburg, M et al., Civilreligion i Danmark, Forlaget Univers

 8) Vinding (2013), N.V., “Religionsorganisatoriske udfordringer for muslimske trossamfund i Danmark,” in: Mogensen, M.S. (ed.), Magasin om Religionsmøde, no 3, 2013

 7) Vinding (2013), N. V., Muslim Positions in the Religio-Organisational Fields of Denmark, Germany and England, PhD Thesis, Publications from the Faculty of Theology, No. 42, University of Copenhagen

 6) Vinding (2012), N.V., “De fra folkekirken afvigende trossamfund,” in Christoffersen, Iversen, Kærgaard & Warburg, Fremtidens Danske Religionsmodel, København, Forlaget Anis

5) Vinding, N.V, & Christoffersen, L., (2012), Danish Regulation of Religion, State of Affairs, and Qualitative Reflections, Publications from the Faculty of Theology, No. 36, University of Copenhagen

4) Vinding (2011), N. V.: “Review: The Law of Organized Religions. Between Establishment and Secularism” in: Religion and Human Rights, Vol. 6, No. 2, 2011, 185-189

 3) Vinding (2010), N. V.: “Review: Legal Culture and Cultural Diversity” in: Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, vol. 21, no 2, Birmingham

2) Vinding (2010), N.V.: “Review: Islam, Migration and Integration: The Age of Securitization” in: Nielsen et al (2010): Yearbook of Muslims in Europe, vol. 2, Leiden: Brill

 1) Vinding (2009), N.V., Den engelske stats regulering af forholdet mellem staten og henholdsvis anglikanisme og islam, Speciale og Prisopgave, Det humanistiske Fakultet, 2009 Editorial assistant, Christoffersen, Modéer and Andersen (Eds): Law and Religion in the 21st Century – Nordic Perspectives, Copenhagen: DJØF Publishing 2010 Editorial assistant, Nielsen and Christoffersen (Eds): Shari’a as Discourse, Cultural Diversity and Law Series, Farnham, Ashgate, 2010.

محادثات أكاديمية وعروض ورقية:

“The Socio-metrics of Imams and Mosques in Denmark,” Kick-off seminar for Power of the Mosques: Researching Mosques in Europe and Denmark, Copenhagen, 8 December 2017

 “Imams of the West - between Islamic authority and Muslim leadership,” Institut für Islamische Theologie, Universität Osnabrück, 13 December 2017

 “Religion and Politics in Europe,” Lake Forrest College, Illinois, USA, 22 March 2017

 "Imams of the West - between Islamic authority and Muslim leadership," Middle East Studies Association (MESA), Boston, 17-20 November, 2016

 "Imams as Brokers and Gate-keepers of Mosques in Denmark," The Tenth Nordic Conference on Middle Eastern Studies: Formations of Middle Eastern Subjectivities. Cultural Heritage, Global Structures and Local Practices, Odense, 24 September 2016

 "Islamic religious professionals; brokering into or closing of from society?" Nordic Conference for the Sociology of Religion 2016, Helsinki, 19 August 2016

 "Worldwide refugee movements and their impact on Muslim communities," Berlin Forum for Muslim Thinking: Uncertain Times – Muslim Responses to Current Challenges, 7 April 2016

 “Politisk regulering af folkekirken specifikt og religion generelt i Danmark,” Rigsrevisionen, 17 December 2015

 “Sharia critique, please,” Religion på Tværs, Syddansk Universitet, 25 March 2015

 “Luhmann, Law and Religion,” University of Aarhus, 5 March 2015

 “Examining the Nordic and Baltic Narratives: Towards a Neo-Baltic Space?” NONA Conference in Vilnius, Lithuania, 10 December 2014

 “Islam og Muslimer i Danmark og Europa,” Religionslærerforeningen, 14. november 2014

“Introducing Imams in Western Europe,” Guido Carlo LUISS, 4. November 2014

 “Models and Maps. Applying Bourdieu in qualitative mapping of the religio-organisational field,” Nordic Conference for the Sociology of Religion 2016, Copenhagen, 21 August 2014

 “Law and Religion and the contested regulatory prerogative regarding the family,” Nordic Conference for the Sociology of Religion 2016, Copenhagen, 19 August 2014

 “Facilitating religion, integration and political participation,” Broumana, Lebanon, 21 May 2014

 “State-Church Models of Yesteryear and the Encounter with Islam,” Law and Religion Scholars Network, Cardiff, 12 May 2014

“Resacralisation of family life,” Conference: Regulation of Religion? Limits to Law? at Roskilde University, 23 April 2014

 “Rights of religious communities in Denmark,” Middle East delegation, Copenhagen, 9 April 2014

 “Muslims, the State and the paradigm of Governance,” CEIT Closing Conference, May 21, 2013

 “De fra folkekirken afvigende trossamfund,” Faculty of Theology, April 12, 2013

“Teoretisk analyse af praksis i Udvalget for godkendelse af trossamfund,” Selskab for Kirkeret, Årsmøde, September 24, 2013

“Shari’a – a permanent part of (Northern) Europe’s social and political fabric?” Ninth Conference of the Nordic Society for Middle Eastern Studies: “Everyday Life in the Middle East”, Lund, Sweden, September 20, 2013.

 “Muslims, the State and the paradigm of Governance,” CEIT Closing Conference, Helsingør, May 21, 2013

 “De fra folkekirken afvigende trossamfund,” Faculty of Theology, April 12, 2013

“Ud af den sekulære osteklokke,” Politikens Mød Videnskaben, March 5, 2013

 “Institutional Isomorphism and the Danish Religious Model,” University of Copenhagen, January 9, 2012

 “Religious Law and the Performative Symbolic Confession,” RELIGARE Seminar for Judges; The Judiciary facing religious pluralism in family matters, December 5, 2011, Brussels

 “Facilitating strategic development goals for the graduate schools,” University of Copenhagen Council on Research Education seminar, October 10, 2011,

 “Is the introduction to academic leadership an issue for the graduate schools?" PhDs and Academic Leadership - From Project Management to University Governance, September 23, 2011 Seminar and paper respondent, Religion and Politics Colloquium, Yale University, spring 2011

 ”Interdisciplinary Approaches to Graduate Research,” University Leadership, Australian National University, November 22 – December 17, 2010, Canberra, Australia

 ”Brokering Islam in Britain,” Culture and Citizenship between Pragmatic Pluralism and Resurgent Religions, November 17, 2010, Copenhagen Denmark

 “The Biopolitics of the Student Body,” University Governance Course, October 26, 2010, Copenhagen Denmark

“The mutual institutionalisation of Islam to state policy and state policy to Islam,” 20th Nordic Conference on Sociology of Religion on 'Multi-religious societies - Polarization, Co-existence, Indifference' August 6, 2010 at University of Agder, Kristiansand, Norway

“Governing the governing norms,” CRONEM 6th Annual Conference 2010 Living Together: Civic, Political and Cultural Engagement Among Migrants, Minorities and National Populations, June 30, 2010, University of Surrey, United Kingdom

 “The Institutionalisation of Islam and State,” Graduate Research School, May 3- 18, 2010, Damascus, Syria

“A historical analysis of the interplay of state, church and minority religions,” Courts in a multicultural society, Centre for Studies in Legal Culture, April 12, Copenhagen Denmark

 “Multiculturalism as Governmentality in Britian,” The Politics of Social Cohesion, September 12, 2009, Copenhagen, Denmark

“Methods in the study of Muslims in Britain,” Seminar on methods for the Study of Non-Organized Muslims, April 17, Frederiksberg, Denmark


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