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تشارلز تيسزين

تشارلز تيسزين

الإسم اللاتيني :  Charles Tieszen
البلد : 
التاريخ :  ... - معاصر
القرن :  20 - 21
الدين : 
التخصص :  اللاهوت - الاسلام والمسيحية

حاصل على شهادة البكالوريوس والدراسات العليا في اللاهوت المسيحي والدراسات الإسلامية. دكتوراه في الإسلام والعلاقات المسيحية الإسلامية من جامعة برمنغهام بإنجلترا ".

مؤرخ للفكر الديني ، متخصص في التفاعلات بين المجتمعات الإسلامية والمسيحية في العصور الوسطى ، فضلاً عن واجهة الإسلام والمسيحية. أنا مهتم بكيفية تعامل المسلمين والمسيحيين مع بعضهم البعض من خلال الحوار الديني والأسس اللاهوتية لهذه اللقاءات.

يقوم بالتدريس والكتابة في مجالات الدراسات الإسلامية وفي تاريخ وعلم العلاقات المسيحية الإسلامية.

من منشوراته ( باللغة الاصلية ) :

كتب :

1 - Theological Issues in Christian-Muslim Dialogue.

2 - Cross Veneration in the Medieval Islamic World: Christian Identity and Practice under Muslim Rule

3 - A Textual History of Christian-Muslim Relations: Seventh-Fifteenth Centuries

4 - Errata, A Textual History of Christian-Muslim Relations

5 - Christian Identity amid Islam in Medieval Spain.

استعراض كتاباته :

1 - Hugh Goddard review, Cross Veneration in the Medieval Islamic World.

2 - Emran El-Badawi review, Cross Veneration in the Medieval Islamic World
3 - Sidney Griffith review, Cross Veneration in the Medieval Islamic World

4 - Luis Xavier López-Farjeat review, Cross Veneration in the Medieval Islamic World

5 - Nicholas Morton review, Cross Veneration in the Medieval Islamic World

6 - Michael T. Shelley review, A Textual History of Christian Muslim Relations

7 - Nicola Clarke review, Christian Identity amid Islam in Medieval Spain

8 - Brian Catlos review, Christian Identity amid Islam in Medieval Spain

مقالات :

1 - From Invitation to Provocation: "Holy Cruelty" as Christian Mission in Ninth-Century Córdoba
2 - Replanting Christianity in new soil: Arabized Christian religious identity in twelfth-century Iberia

Islam and Christian-muslim Relations, 2011

3 - Unheard Voices in the 'Son of God' Debate: The History of Christian-Muslim Encounter

فصول الكتاب :

1 - Christians under Muslim Rule, 650-1200: Christians in Muslim Spain

Routledge Handbook on Christian-Muslim Relations, 2017

2 - "'Can You Find Anything Praiseworthy in My Religion?' Religious Aversion and Admiration in Medieval Christian-Muslim Relations"

The Character of Christian-Muslim Encounter: Essays in Honour of David Thomas, 2015

3 - "Islam" in The Religions Book (pp. 248-291)

مراجعات الكتب :

1 - Review, To Live Like a Moor: Christian Perceptions of Muslim Identity in Medieval and Early Modern Spain

2 - Review, Arab Christians and the Qur'an from the Origins of Islam to the Medieval Period

3 - Review, Encountering Islam on the First Crusade.pdf

4 - Review, Interpreting Scriptures in Judaism, Christianity and Islam: Overlapping Inquiries

Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, 2017

5 - Review, Thinking Biblically about Islam: Genesis, Transfiguration, Transformation

6 - Review, Christian Exegesis of the Qur'ān: A Critical Analysis of the Apologetic Use of the Qur'ān in Select Medieval and Contemporary Arabic Texts

Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations

7 -  Review, Medieval Exegesis and Religious Difference: Commentary, Conflict, and Community in the Premodern Mediterranean

8 - Review, Conquerors, Brides, and Concubines: Interfaith Relations and Social Power in Medieval Iberia

9 - Review, Muslim-Christian Polemics across the Mediterranean

Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, Jan 2016

10 - Review, The Violent Pilgrimage: Christians, Muslims and Holy Conflicts, 850-1150

Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, Oct 2015

11 - Review, Pilgrims and Pilgrimages as Peacemakers in Christianity, Judaism and Islam

Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, Jul 2015

12 - Review, Muslim Spain Reconsidered: From 711-1502

Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, Jan 2015

13 - Review, The Orient in Spain: Converted Muslims, the Forged Lead Books of Granada, and the Rise of Orientalism

Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, Apr 2014

مقالات الموسوعة :

1- "Hagar" [Islam section]

Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception

2 - "Hagarenes" [Islam section]

Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception

3 - "Holiness" [Islam section]

Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception

4 - "Hope" [Islam section]

Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception

5 - "Hospitality" [Islam section]

Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception

6 - Humility [Islam section]

Encyclopaedia of the Bible and Its Reception

7 - "Ibn Hazm"

Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception


رابط المصدر :


فروع المركز

فروع المركز

للمركز الإسلامي للدراسات الإستراتيجية ثلاثة فروع في ثلاثة بلدان
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