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سوزان دهلجرن - مستشرقة

سوزان دهلجرن - مستشرقة

الإسم اللاتيني :  Susanne Dahlgren
البلد :  فنلندية
التاريخ :  ... - معاصرة
القرن :  20 - 21
الدين : 
التخصص :  الصراع اليمني - الثورات العربية

عضو هيئة التدريس في جامعة تامبيري (فنلندا) ، قسم الأنثروبولوجيا الاجتماعية،

هي عالمة الأنثروبولوجيا المهتمة بالمسائل الأخلاقية والقانون والسياسة.

درست الأنثروبولوجيا في جامعة ادنبره، وكلية لندن للاقتصاد والعلوم السياسية (LSE) وجامعة هلسنكي حيث حصلت على الدكتوراه في عام 2004.

 وكانت زمالتها في كلية هلسنكي للدراسات المتقدمة وفي أكاديمية فنلندا.

وقد تم نشر مشروع الدكتوراه الخاص بها على أنه واقع منافسة. المجال العام والأخلاق في جنوب اليمن (2010). وقد اشتمل عملها الأخير على تنظير الثورات العربية كجزء من مشروع "الجغرافيا الجنسانية في الثورات العربية"، الذي عقده فرانسيس هاسو وزكية سالم.

 وقد نشرت مقالة مصورة حديثة في موقع موفته على "المتمردين من دون أحذية: زيارة لثورة الثورة في جنوب اليمن". وقد عملت في مي على مشروع بعنوان "ما بعد الاشتراكية في شبه الجزيرة العربية: سياسة الإسلام والتحديث في جنوب اليمن ".

من منشوراتها ( باللغة الاصلية ) :

 المقالات في المجلات الأكاديمية المحكمة :

1. Guest editor and Introduction with Samuli Schielke (Berlin, Zentrum Moderner Orient), special issue on Moral Ambiguities and Muslim Lives, Contemporary Islam. Springer (2013).

2. Revisiting the issue of women’s rights in Southern Yemen: Statutory Law, Shari’a and Customs. Arabian Humanities. International Journal of Archaeology and Social Sciences in the Arabian Peninsula. The French Centre in Sana'a for Archaeology and Social Sciences (2013).

3. Sexualités et espace public à Aden. Pount, Cahiers d’études Corne de l’Afrique – Arabie du Sud, Éros en mer Rouge. No. 2, 2008, pp 85-107.

4. Guest editor, special issue “Middle Eastern Family Revisited”, Hawwa, Journal of Women of the Middle East and the Islamic World (Vol. 6, no:s 1 and 2, 2008). Leiden: Brill.

5. The Incomplete Family. Ethnographic Explorations on Domestic Relations in Aden, Yemen, Hawwa, Journal of Women of the Middle East and the Islamic World (1, 2008). Leiden: Brill.

6. The Southern Movement in Yemen. ISIM Review 22, Autumn 2008, pp. 50-51.

7. Siirtomaavalta ja aviopuolisoiden oikeudet: oikeustapaus 1900-luvun puolenvälin Adenista [Colonial rule and spousal rights: A court case from mid-20th century Aden, in Finnish] , Oikeus [Journal of the Finnish Society for Law and Social Sciences] 1/2007, pp. 5-18.

8. Segregation, Illegitimate Encounters and Contextual Moralities: Sexualities in the Changing Public Sphere in Aden, Hawwa, Journal of Women of the Middle East and the Islamic World 2-3/2006, thematic issue Rewriting the History of Sexuality in the Islamic World, pp. 214-236. Leiden: Brill.

9. Women's adah vs. "Women's law": the contesting issue of mahr in Aden, Yemen. In Carrefours de justices, les lieux de croisement des justices étatiques et coutumière au Yémen et en Egypte, (ed.) Baudouin Dupret, Special Issue of Revue Egypte-Monde arabe, CEDEJ-Cairo and Brussels: Complexe (2005), pp. 125-144.

10. Islam, the Custom and Revolution in Aden: Reconsidering the Background to the Changes of the Early 1990s. ; Suomen Antropologi/ Finnish Anthropologist 1/2002, pp. 4-18. AMEWS (Association of Middle East Women’s Studies) Young Scholar Prize 2001.

11. Women’s lib, the Southern way: reflections from the past decades, in Yemen Update (Bulletin of the American Institute for Yemeni Studies) 43 (2001). Also available in http://www.aiys.org/yemen-update-no-43-2001/65-womens-lib-the-southern-way-reflections-from-the-past-decades.html

12. “The chaste woman takes her chastity wherever she goes”: Discourses on Gender, Marriage and Work in Pre- and Post-Unification Aden, Chroniques Yéménites (Annual Review of Centre Français d’Archéologie et de Sciences Sociales de Sanaa) (1998/1999). Also available in http://cy.revues.org/54

13. Kvinnor som hot mot samhället. Diskussioner om ‘kvinnan’ i Aden före och efter Jemens enande. Tidskrift för mellanösternstudier 1:1998 (”Women as a Threat to Society. Gender Debates in Aden before and after Yemeni Unity, Journal of the Nordic Society for Middle Eastern Studies, in Swedish).

المواد في أحجام أكاديمية محررة :

14.a. The Snake with a Thousand Heads: The Southern Cause in Yemen. In The Arab Revolts: Dispatches on Militant Democracy in the Middle East (eds.) David McMurray and Amanda Ufheil-Somers. Bloomington: Indiana University Press (2013).

14.b. “She Kissed Death with a Smile”: The Politics and Moralities of the Female Suicide Bomber, in Culture, Suicide and the Human Condition, (eds.) Marja-Liisa Honkasalo and Miira Tuominen. New York: Berghahn Publishers (2014).

14.c. More than half of society: The Southern Yemeni Youth, Unemployment and the Quest for a State Job, in Why Yemen Matters: A Society in Transition (ed.) Helen Lackner. London: Saqi (2014).

14. Shari’a in the Diaspora: Displacement, Exclusion and Anthropology of the Traveling Middle East, in Anthropology in the Middle East and North Africa: The State of the Art, (eds.) Sherine Hafez and Susan Slyomovics. Bloomington: Indiana University Press (2013).

15. Making shari’a alive: Court practice under an ethnographic lens. In Ethnographies of Islam. Ritual Performances and Everyday Practices (eds.) Baudouin Dupret et al. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press (2012).

16. “She Brings Up Healthy Children to the Homeland”. Morality Discourses in Yemeni Legal Debates. In Family Law in Islam: Divorce, Marriage and Women in the Muslim World, (ed.) Maaieke Voorhoeve. London: I.B.Tauris, (2012).

17. Readjusting Women’s Too Many Rights: The State, the Public Voice and Women’s Rights in South Yemen. In Legal Reform and Feminist Activism, (ed.) Mulki Al-Sharmani. London: Zed Books (2013).

18. Expensive marriage or women’s security: Mahr debates from Aden, South Yemen, in Embedding Mahr (Islamic dower) in the European Legal System, (eds.) Rubya Mehdi and Jørgen Nielsen. Copenhagen: DJØF Publishing (2011).

19. Puolustakaa profeetan sananvapautta! Eurooppalaiset arvot, sananvapaus ja tekopyhyys [Protect the Prophet’s Freedom of Speech! European Values, Freedom of Expression and Hypocrisy], in Solidaarisuus [Solidarity] (eds.) Arto Laitinen and Anne-Birgitta Pessi. Helsinki: Gaudeamus (2011).

21. Welfare and Modernity. Three Concepts for the ‘Advanced Woman’, in Interpreting welfare and relief in the Middle East, (eds.) Nefissa Naguib & Inger Marie Okkenhaug. Leiden: Brill (2008).

22. Morphologies of Social Flows: Segregation, Time and the Public Sphere, in Gendering Urban Space in the Middle East, South Asia and Africa, (eds.) Kamran Asdar Ali & Martina Rieker. New York: Palgrave (2008), pp. 45-70.

23. Islam, the Custom and Revolution in Aden: Reconsidering the Background to the Changes of the Early 1990s. In Yemen into the 21st Century: Continuity and Change, (Eds.) Kamil Mahdi and Anna Wűerth, Reading: Ithaca Press (2007). AMEWS (Association of Middle East Women’s Studies) Young Scholar Prize 2001, pp. 327-345.

24. Naisia rajalla (Women in borders), in Kohtaamisia rajoilla (Encounters in Borders) Anu Hirsiaho, Mari Korpela and Liisa Rantalaiho (eds.). Tampere: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura (2005).

25. Can a woman decide upon her marriage? The case of compulsory marriage in Anglo-Muhammadan court system in colonial Aden, in Women and religion in the Middle East and the Mediterranean, (ed.) Ingvar B. Maehle and Inger Marie Okkenhaug, Oslo: Unipub (2004), pp. 135-148.

26. Book chapter Yemen, in The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Women’s Issues Worldwide, the Middle East and North Africa, (ed.) Bahira Sherif-Trask, Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing (2003).

27. Traditions and modernities in Aden (Yemen). On studying complex Middle Eastern societies. In The Middle East in a globalizing world, (eds.) Björn-Olav Utvik and Knut S. Vikör. Bergen and London: NMES and Hurst (2000).

نشرت الدراسات :

29a. Southern Yemen After the Fall of Sanaa. Middle East Report blog http://www.merip.org/southern-yemen-after-fall-sanaa (posted on October 7, 2014).

29b. Southern Yemeni Activists Prepare for Nationwide Rally Middle East Report blog http://www.merip.org/southern-yemeni-activists-prepare-nationwide-rally (posted on April 24, 2014).

30a. Revolutions and Anthropological prestige zones. Yemeni Spring and the eclipse of a good revolution. Anthropology News (American Anthropological Association) May 2012.

30. Pig parades and Islamic motorcycle helmets – Europe confronts Islam. Helsinki University Bulletin 5/2011 http://www.helsinki.fi/hub/5_2011/untitled.html 

31. Eurooppalainen islam on muutosten edessä [Changes ahead to European Islam]. Vieraskynä (Op-ed) in national daily Helsingin Sanomat 14 August 2011, p. 2.

32. The Middle East amongst Us, Anthropology News, Vol. 48 No. 4 (2007), pp. 12- 13. http://www.anthrosource.net/loi/an.

33. Skandaali! Suomalaisen taiteen ja politiikan mediakohut [Scandal! Media splashes that shook Finnish politics and art], (eds.) Susanne Dahlgren, Sari Kivistö and Susanna Paasonen. Helsinki: Helsinki-kirjat 2011.

34. Johdanto [Introduction], co-author with Sari Kivistö and Susanna Paasonen. In Skandaali! Suomalaisen taiteen ja politiikan mediakohut, (eds.) Susanne Dahlgren, Sari Kivistö and Susanna Paasonen. Helsinki: Helsinki-kirjat 2011.

35. Peitetty pää ja paljas pinta. Islamilainen huntu suomalaisessa kansallismaisemassa ja  eurooppalaisessa maahanmuuttokeskustelussa [The covered head and the naked body. The Islamic veil in Finnish national landscape and in European immigration debates], co-author with Rosa Liksom. In Skandaali! Suomalaisen taiteen ja politiikan mediakohut, (eds.) Susanne Dahlgren, Sari Kivistö and Susanna Paasonen. Helsinki: Helsinki-kirjat 2011.

36. The Snake with a Thousand Heads. The Southern Cause in Yemen. Middle East Report 256 (Fall 2010), pp. 28-33.

37. Peitetty pinta tuomiolla. Eurooppa burkaa kieltämässä [Europe and the contesting issue of the “burqa”]. Niin & Näin (Finnish philosophical journal) no. 65 Summer 2/2010, pp. 49-51.

38. Current Studies on Women and Gender in the Middle East. Theoretical and Methodological Approaches, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Women, Science and Development, held in University of Aden 4-6 February, 2006, (eds.) Rokhsana Ismail and Carin Vijfhuizen. Aden: Aden University Printing and Publishing House 2007.

39. Järjestetyn avioliiton pulmat ja ilot. Perhesuhteet ja sukupuoliroolit arabikulttuurissa (The Unbearable Lightness of the Arranged Marriage, in Finnish). In Tuhat ja yksi askelta, (eds.) Jouko Jokisalo and Ilona Nykyri. Helsinki: Tammi 2006, pp. 36-55.

40. Three entries in Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures (EWIC)Vols. II & IV, ed. Suad Joseph, Leiden: Brill 2005 and 2007. Pp. 2:465-467, Revolutionary Movements: South Yemen (include Dhofar); 2:657-659 Modern Family Law, 1800-2000: Gulf, Saudi Arabia and Yemen; 4:317-319 Education: National Curricula: Yemen.

41. Book review Arab-American Faces and Voices: The Origins of an Immigrant Community (by Elizabeth Boosahda). International Journal of Middle East Studies Vol. 36, no. 3 (August 2004), pp. 496-498.

42. Five entries in Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East and North Africa, 2nd edition, (editor in chief ) Philip Mattar, New York: Macmillan Reference USA 2004.

43. Book chapter Lait ovat naisen puolella, oikeus ei. Ihmisoikeuskeskustelu Jemenissä vilkasta (The laws are on our side but practice is not. Debate on human rights lively in Yemen), in Islam ja ihmisoikeudet  (Human Rights and Islam), Kristiina Kouros (ed.). Helsinki: Like 2004.

44. Anthropologist’s remarks on the topic What do we investigate when we scrutinize Islam?, Suomen Antropologi/Finnish Anthropologist 2/2002, pp. 68-72 .

45. Book review on Veil. Modesty, Privacy and Resistance by Fadwa El Guindi (Oxford and New York: Berg 1999) in Suomen Antropologi/Finnish Anthropologist 2/2002, pp. 58-63.

46. Islamilaisen naiskuvan monet tulkinnat (Representations of the ’Islamic woman’) in Rotunaisia ja feminismejä. Nais- ja kehitystutkimuksen risteyskohtia (Crossroads of feminist and development studies), eds. Jaana Airaksinen and Tuula Ripatti. Tampere: Vastapaino 1999.

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