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ريتشارد ماكومال

ريتشارد ماكومال

الإسم اللاتيني :  RICHARD MCCALLUM
البلد : 
التاريخ :  ... - معاصر
القرن :  20 - 21
الدين : 
التخصص :  الاسلام المعاصر - الاسلام والمسيحية

زميل أقدم في مركز الدراسات الإسلامية المسيحية , اكسفورد .

عضو مشارك في كلية اللاهوت والدين بجامعة أكسفورد.

بكالوريوس في الفيزياء (كلية لندن الإمبراطورية) ،

ماجستير في علم اللغة التطبيقي (ليسستر) ، دكتوراه علم الاجتماع (إكسيتر).

وهو متخصص في علم الاجتماع له اهتمامات بحثية في الدين والمجتمع والتقاء معاصر للجماعات الدينية في المجتمع.

قضى 10 سنوات للعيش والتدريس في تونس ،

وعند عودته قام بتدريس الإسلام المعاصر ، والعلاقات المسيحية - المسيحية ، والاستجابات المسيحية للإسلام في مختلف الكليات والمؤتمرات ،

من منشوراته ( باللغة الاصلية ) :

مساهمات الكتب :

‘Public Intellectuals and Micro-Public Spheres: a British illustration’, in Thijssen, P., Weyns, W., Timmerman, C., & Mels, . (eds.) New Public Spheres: Recontextualizing the Intellectual (Aldershot: Ashgate), 2013

Developed from a paper first given at a conference at the Universitair Centrum Sint-Ignatius in Antwerp this chapter looks at Christian writers and speakers on Islam as public intellectuals seeking to influence the opinion of their public – Christians in the Church.

‘Rejection or Accommodation? Trends in Evangelical Christian Responses to Muslims’, in Guest, M. & E. Arweck (eds.) Religion and Knowledge: Sociological perspectives (Aldershot: Ashgate), 2012

This chapter uses the work of sociologists such as Peter Berger and Christian Smith to explore Christian reactions to Islam and the possible futures.  Will Christians withdraw and entrench themselves?  Will they turn to crusade?  Will they capitulate?  Or will they develop an ‘engaged orthodoxy’?

‘Tensions in British Evangelical Responses to Islam and Muslims ‘, in Bell, S. & C. Chapman (eds.) Between Naivety and Hostility: How should Christians respond to Islam in Britain?  (Milton Keynes: Authentic), 50-63, 2011

An overview of Christian authors who have written about Islam in the British context since 2000.  Arranged in a spectrum of responses from those who tend to confrontation to those who tend to conciliation, the chapter draws out some of the main themes in Christian responses to Islam.

مقالات :

‘Towards a framework and methodology for the evaluation of inter-faith initiatives’, Studies in Interreligious Dialogue, (forthcoming)

A paper developed out of Richard’s experience evaluating the Cambridge Interfaith Programme’s Summerschool. It reviews the literature on evaluating interfaith work and proposes a framework and methodology that could be replicated in other contexts.

‘Evaluating Inter-faith Initiatives: A Cambridge case study’, Studies in Interreligious Dialogue, (forthcoming)

The outcomes and data from Richard’s evaluation of the Cambridge Interfaith Programme’s Summerschool including student accounts and testimonies, analysis and implications for other interfaith programmes.

Islamophobia: A View from the UK, Evangelical Interfaith Dialogue, Fall 2016, 32-33, 2016

In October 2015, the International Center for Religion and Diplomacy (ICRD), Peace Catalyst International (PCI), and the Dialogue Institute (DI) convened a conference at Temple University designed to help evangelicals and others understand the consequences of and develop thoughtful responses to Islamophobia in the United States.  This articles responds to some of the papers presented.

‘Love: a Common Word between Evangelicals and Muslims?’, Political Theology, 13.4, 400-413, 2012

A paper given at a conference at Glasgow University discussing A Common Word, an open letter written by Muslim leaders to world Christian leaders in 2007.  The article discussed evangelical Christian responses to the letter which were polarised between those who said ‘yes‘ and those who said ‘no‘ with some trying to hold the middle ‘yes but‘ position.

‘Micro Public Spheres and the Sociology of Religion’, Journal for Contemporary Religion, 26/2: 173-187, 2011

This essay won the British Sociological Association’s Sociology of Religion Study Group prize in 2010.  It draws on the work of Jurgen Habermas and others to develop a model for understanding the lifeworld public space as an interconnected lattice of ‘micro public spheres’ where matters of mutual interest are discussed and debated to form ‘public opinions’ in conferences, publications and – of course – coffee shops!

مراجعات الكتب :

Raymond Baker, One Islam, Many Muslim Worlds: spirituality, identity and resistance across Islamic lands in Christian Century, 3 August 2016, 39-40

Titus Hjelm, Is God back? in Journal of Sociology of Religion, September 2016

Jocelyne Cesari, The Oxford Handbook of European Islam, in European Journal of Theology, XXV (2016):1, p109

Philip Jenkins, God’s Continent: Christianity, Islam and Europe’s religious crisis in Solas Magazine, Spring 2016, p34

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