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هيث دبليو لوري

هيث دبليو لوري

الإسم اللاتيني :  Heath W. Lowry
البلد :  امريكي
التاريخ :  1942م - معاصر
القرن :  20 - 21
الدين : 
التخصص :  تركيا - الدولة العثمانية

امريكي ولد في  23 ديسمبر 1942م .

أستاذ فخري أتاتورك للدراسات التركية والعثمانية الحديثة ، جامعة بوزيزي ,

أستاذ فخري في جامعة برينستون , دراسات الشرق الأدنى ، الفخري .

في عام 1993 ، كان أحد الأعضاء المؤسسين لقسم التاريخ في جامعة البوسفور في اسطنبول ، تركيا (1973-1980) ،

 وكبير الباحثين في مكتبة ومجمع بحوث دومبارتون أوكس في واشنطن العاصمة (1980-1983).

بين عامي 1983 و 1993 ، أنشأ وأدار معهد الدراسات التركية في واشنطن العاصمة ،

 ويعمل كمستشار لرئيس مجلس أمناء جامعة بهجيشهر في اسطنبول ، تركيا.

وفي مايو 2010 ، التحق بكلية جامعة بهجيشهر كأستاذ زائر متميز. وهو مدير مركز حديث لدراسات العصر العثماني ، وهو برنامج تعاوني بين جامعة بهجيشهر ومعهد محمد علي في كافالا ، اليونان ، مصمم لتنسيق مجموعة واسعة من الأنشطة المتعلقة بالتراث الثقافي المشترك تركيا واليونان والعالم العربي. كما يقدم حلقة دراسية سنوية في بهجيشهر ستركز على البلقان العثماني (1352-1923).

من منشوراته ( باللغة الاصلية ) :

كتب :

Trabzon Şehrinin İslamlaşma ve Türkleşmesi, 1481–1583. 4th edition, revised, reedited, and expanded. İstanbul: Bosphorus University Press, 2010 [English edition: The Islamization & Turkification of Trabzon (Trebizond), 1461–1583. İstanbul: The Isis Press, 2009].

With A. Bryer, et. al. Continuity and Change in Late Byzantine & Early Ottoman Society. Birmingham, England, & Washington, D.C.: Univ. of Birmingham & Dumbarton Oaks, 1986.

The Story Behind Ambassador Morgenthau's Story. İstanbul: Isis Publications, 1990.

Fifteenth Century Ottoman Realities: Christian Peasant Life on the Aegean Island of Limnos. İstanbul: Eren Publications, 2002.

Ottoman Bursa in Travel Accounts. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Ottoman and Modern Turkish Studies Publications, 2003 [Turkish edition: Seyyahların Gözüyle Bursa, 1326–1923. İstanbul (Eren Publications), 2004].

The Nature of the Early Ottoman State. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2003 [Turkish edition: Erken Dönem Osmanlı Devleti’nin Yapısı. İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2010].

Studies in Defterology: Ottoman Society in the Fifteenth & Sixteenth Centuries. 2nd edition. İstanbul: The Isis Press, 2006.

Defterology Revisited: Studies on 15th & 16th Century Ottoman Society. İstanbul: The Isis Press, 2008.

An Ongoing Affair: Turkey & I [Book I. The Bereketli Years, 1964–1966]. İstanbul and Eden, SD: Çitlembik and Nettleberry, 2008.

The Shaping of the Ottoman Balkans, 1350–1550: Conquest, Settlement & Infrastructural Development of Northern Greece (İstanbul: Bahçeşehir University Press, 2008) [Turkish edition: Osmanlı Döneminde Balkanların Şekillenmesi, 1350–1550: Kuzey Yunanistan’ın Fethi, İskânı ve Altyapı Gelişmesi. İstanbul (Bahçeşehir University Press), 2008].

In the Footsteps of the Ottomans: A Search for Sacred Spaces & Architectural Monuments in Northern Greece (İstanbul: Bahçeşehir University Press, 2009) [Turkish edition: Osmanlıların Ayak İzlerinde: Kuzey Yunanistan Mukaddes Mekânlar ve Mimarî Eserleri Arayış Yolculukları. İstanbul (Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi Yayınları), 2009].

Ottoman Architecture in Greece: A Review Article With Addendum & Corrigendum, Occasional Papers in History #1.İstanbul: Bahçeşehir University Press, 2009.

With İsmail E. Erünsal. The Evrenos Dynasty of Yenice-i Vardar: Notes & Documents. İstanbul Bahçeşehir University Press, 2010. [Turkish edition: Yenice-i Vardar’lı Evrenos Hanedanı: Notlar & Belgeler. İstanbul: Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2010].

The Evrenos Family & the City of Selânik (Thessaloniki): Who Built the Hamza Beğ Câmii & Why? (Evrenos Ailesi ve Selânik Şehri: Hamza Beğ Câmii Niçin ve Kimin Tarafından Yapıldı?) İstanbul (Bahçeşehir University Press: Occasional Papers in History #2)], 2010. pp. viii + 102

Historical Vestiges of Niyâzî Mısrî’s Presence on the Island of Limnos (Niyâzî Mısrî’nin Limnos Adası’nda Bulunan Tarihi İzleri). İstanbul (Bahçeşehir University Press: Occasional Papers in History #3), 2011. pp. ix + 142 + 36 Plates

 [with: İsmail E. Erünsal]: Remembering One’s Roots: Mehmed Ali Paşa of Egypt’s Links to the Macedonian Town of Kavala (Architectural Monuments, Inscriptions & Documents). İstanbul (Bahçeşehir University Press), 2011. pp. x + 274 + 96 Photos + 5 Appendices [Turkish: Aslına Dönüş: Mısır Valisi Mehmed Ali Paşa’nın Kavala Kasabası ile Bağları (Mimari Eserler, Kitabeler ve Belgeler). İstanbul (Bahçeşehir University Press), 2011. pp. x + 274 + 96 Photos + 5 Appendices]

Clarence K. Streit’s The Unknown Turks: Mustafa Kemal Paşa, Nationalist Ankara & Daily Life in Anatolia (January – March 1921). İstanbul (Bahçeşehir University Press), 2011. pp. xviii + 272 + 122 Photos + 10 Appendices [Turkish: Clarence K. Streit: ‘Bilinmeyen Türkler’: Mustafa Kemal Paşa, Milliyetçi Ankara ve Anadolu’da Gündelik Hayat (Ocak – Mart 1921). İstanbul (Bahçeşehir University Press), 2011. pp. xviii + 272 + 122 Photos + 10 Appendices]

Hersekzāde Ahmed Paşa: The Career & Pious Endowments of an Ottoman Statesman (Hersekzâde Ahmed Paşa: Bir Osmanlı Devlet Adamının Meslek Hayatı ve Kurduğu Vakıflar). İstanbul (Bahçeşehir University Press: Occasional Papers in History #4), 2011. pp. ix + 113 + 10 Plates + 1 Map + Appendix

المقالات الأخيرة :

With Yücel Dağlı. “The Passing of Time: Ottoman Clock Towers in the Balkans, ca. 1570–1675.” In Yücel Dağlı Anasına: “Geldi Yücel, Gitti Yücel. Bir Nefes Gibi". İstanbul: Turkuaz Yayınları, 2011), pp. 420–38

 “The Soup Muslims of the Ottoman Balkans: Was There a ‘Western’ and ‘Eastern’ Ottoman Empire?” In D. Quataert and B. Tezcan (eds.): Beyond Dominant Paradigms in Ottoman and Middle Eastern/North African Studies: A Tribute to Rifʻat Abou-El-Haj. İstanbul: İSAM, 2010, pp. 97–133

 “Pîrî Reis Revisited: The Kitâb-i Bahriyye as a Source for Ottoman History: The Aegean Port of Kavala & the Island of Limnos (İlimli) as Described by Pîrî Reis.” Osmanlı Araştırmaları = Journal of Ottoman Studies 35 (2010): pp. 7–31.

 “An Unknown Fourteenth Century Sultanic Mosque in the Macedonian City of Drama: The Yıldırım Bâyezîd Câmi.” In H. Hartmuth and A. Dılsız (eds.). Monuments, Patrons, Contexts: Papers on Ottoman Europe Presented to Machiel Kiel. Leiden: Nederlands Institut voor het Nabije Oosten, 2010, pp. 15–27

 “The ‘Soup Muslims’ of the Ottoman Balkans: Was There a ‘Western’ & ‘Eastern’ Ottoman Empire?” in Osmanlı Araştırmaları=Journal of Ottoman Studies 36 (2010): pp. 95–131.

أعمال جارية :

Tükenmeyen Sevda: Türkiye ve Ben (Bereketli Seneleri, 1964–1966) [tentatively titled]. İstanbul: Bahçeşehir University, forthcoming 2012 (Turkish edition of An Ongoing Affair: Turkey & I [Book I. The Bereketli Years, 1964–1966]).

15 y.y. Osmanlı Gerçekleri: Ege’deki Limnos (Limni) Adasında Hırıstiyan Köylülerin Yaşantıları. İstanbul: Bahçeşehir University, forthcoming 2012 (Turkish edition of Fifteenth Century Ottoman Realities: Christian Peasant Life on the Aegean Island of Limnos).

The Evrenos Dynasty of Yenice-i Vardar (Notes & Documents): Codicils & Corrigendum. İstanbul: Bahçeşehir University, forthcoming 2012.

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