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ر. مايكل فيرنر

ر. مايكل فيرنر

الإسم اللاتيني :  R. Michael Feener
البلد : 
التاريخ :  ... - معاصر
القرن :  20 - 21
الدين : 
التخصص :  الاسلام في إندونيسيا - الشيعة

عضو هيئة التدريس في جامعة أكسفورد ، مركز أكسفورد للدراسات الإسلامية ،

يتركز عمله الرئيسي في الدراسات الإسلامية ، مع التركيز بشكل خاص على تاريخ المجتمعات الإسلامية في جنوب شرق آسيا. ضمن تلك المنطقة الجغرافية ، تناول في كتاباته تاريخ الفكر والممارسة القانونيين في إندونيسيا.

 عمل أيضاً في عدد من المجالات الأخرى ، ونشر في مواضيع تشمل الشبكات الإسلامية ، الدراسات القرآنية ، الصوفية ، الشيعية ، التاريخ عبر الإقليمي ، والتاريخ المحلي (خاصة في آسيه).

 قبل مجيئه إلى أكسفورد ، كان قائدًا للأبحاث في مجموعة أبحاث العولمة والعولمة بمعهد أبحاث آسيا ، وأستاذًا مشاركًا في قسم التاريخ في جامعة سنغافورة الوطنية.

 كما قام بالتدريس في كلية ريد وجامعة كاليفورنيا ، ريفرسايد ، وتولى مناصب أستاذ زائر وزمالات بحثية في جامعة هارفارد ، جامعة كيوتو ، كلية الدراسات العليا في العلوم الاجتماعية (باريس) ، جامعة كوبنهاغن ، مؤسسة دوريس دوك الفن الإسلامي (هونولولو) ، والمعهد الدولي للدراسات الآسيوية (IIAS) في ليدن ، هولندا.

من منشوراته (باللغة الاصلية) :

دراسات :

1 - Sharia and Social Engineering: The Implementation of Islamic Law in Contemporary Aceh, Indonesia

Oxford University Press, 2013.

2 - Muslim Legal Thought in Modern Indonesia

Cambridge University Press, 2007.

كتب معدلة وقضايا صحفية خاصة :

• The Mission of Development, co-edited with Catherine Scheer & Philip Fountain (Leiden: Brill, 2018).

 • The Anthropology of Catholicism in Southern Asia, Special issue of TAJA- The Australian Journal of Anthropology, co-edited with Bernardo Brown 28.2 (2017)

• Rebuilding Asia Following Natural Disasters: Approaches to Reconstruction in the Asia-Pacific Region, co-edited with Patrick Daly, (Cambridge University Press, 2016)

• Salvage and Salvation: Religion and Disaster Relief in Contemporary Asia, co-edited with Philip Fountain, Levi McLaughlin & Patrick Daly as a special issue of Asian Ethnology 75.1 (2016)

 • Shiʿism in Southeast Asia: Alid Piety and Sectarian Constructions, co-edited with Chiara Formichi (London: Hurst, 2016)

 • Islam and the Limits of the State: Reconfigurations of Ritual, Doctrine, and Authority in Contemporary Aceh, co-edited with David Kloos & Annemarie Samuels (Leiden: Brill, 2015)

 • Religion and the Politics of Development, co-edited with Philip Fountain & Robin Bush (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015)

 • Religious Actors in Disaster Relief, co-edited with Robin Bush & Philip Fountain as a special issue of the International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters 33.1 (March 2015)

 • Religion and Development in China: Innovations and Implications, coedited with Wu Keping (Singapore: Asia Research Institute, 2015)

• Muslim Religious Authority in Modern Asia, co-edited with Jeremy Kingsley as a special issue of the Asian Journal of Social Science, Leiden: Brill, 42.5 (2014)

• Proselytizing and the Limits of Religious Pluralism in Contemporary Asia, co-edited with Juliana Finucane (Dordrecht: Springer 2013)

• From the Ground Up: Perspectives on Post-Tsunami and Post-Conflict Aceh, co-edited with Patrick Daly & Anthony Reid (Singapore: Institute for Southeast Asian Studies Press, 2013) Indonesian translation: Aceh setelah Tsunami dan Konflik (Banda Aceh/ Jakarta/ Denpasar: ICAIOS/ KITLV/ Pustaka Larasan, 2013)

 • Islamic Legal Professionals in Contemporary Southeast Asia, co-edited with Mark Cammack & Clark Lombardi as a special issue of the Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal 21.1 (January 2012)

• Mapping the Acehnese Past, co-edited with Patrick Daly & Anthony Reid (Leiden: KITLV Press, 2011) Indonesian translation: Memetakan Masa Lampau Aceh (Banda Aceh/ Jakarta/ Denpasar: ICAIOS/ KITLV/ Pustaka Larasan, 2012)

 • Islamic Connections: Muslim Societies of South and Southeast Asia, co-edited with Terenjit Sevea (Singapore: Institute for Southeast Asian Studies Press, 2009)

 • Islamic Law in Contemporary Indonesia: Ideas and Institutions, volume co-edited with Mark Cammack (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2007)

 • Islam in World Cultures: Comparative Perspectives (Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO Publishers, 2004)

مقالات و فصول في الجرائد :

• “Muslim Cultures and Pre-Islamic Pasts: Changing Perceptions of ‘Heritage’,” in: Trinidad Rico, Ed. The Making of Islamic Heritage: Muslim Pasts and Heritage Presents (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017)

 • “Navigating a World of Religious NGOs: Abstraction, Ethnography, and Views of the Horizon,” (with Philip Fountain) Geography Compass (2017)

• “Configuring Catholicism in the Anthropology of Christianity,” (with Bernardo Brown) TAJA – The Australian Journal of Anthropology (June 2017)

• “Religious Competition and Conflict over the longue durée: Christianity and Islam in the Indonesian Archipelago,” Asian Journal of Religion and Society 5.1 (2017)

 • “Post-disaster Reconstruction in Asia: New Actors and Approaches,” (with Patrick Daly) in: Rebuilding Asia Following Natural Disasters: Approaches to Reconstruction in the Asia-Pacific Region (Cambridge University Press, 2016)

 • “Blue prints for change and the re-imaging of life in post-tsunami Aceh, Indonesia,” (with Patrick Daly, Marjaana Jauhola, and Craig Thorburn) in: Rebuilding Asia Following Natural Disasters: Approaches to Reconstruction in the Asia-Pacific Region (Cambridge University Press, 2016)

• “Religion and Reconstruction in the Wake of Disaster,” (with Patrick Daly) in: Philip Fountain, Levi McLaughlin, Patrick Daly & R. Michael Feener, Eds. Salvation and Salvation, a special issue of Asian Ethnology 75.1 (2016)

 • “State Shariʿa and its Limits,” in: Islam and the Limits of the State: Reconfigurations of Ritual, Doctrine, and Authority in Contemporary Aceh, co-edited with David Kloos & Annemarie Samuels (Leiden: Brill, 2015)

 • “ʿAbd al-Samad in Arabia: The Yemeni Years of a Shaykh from Sumatra,” Southeast Asian Studies 4.2 (August 2015)

 • “Religion and the Politics of Development,” (with Philip Fountain & Robin Bush) in: Religion and the Politics of Development (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015)

• “Outlook: Research on Religion and Development,” (with Philip Fountain & Robin Bush) in: Religion and the Politics of Development (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015)

• “Debating ‘Shiʿism’ in the History of Muslim Southeast Asia,” (with Chiara Formichi) in: Shiʿism in Southeast Asia: Alid Piety and Sectarian Constructions, (London: Hurst, 2015)

 • “ʿAlid Piety and State-sponsored Spectacle: Tabot Tradition in Bengkulu, Sumatra,” (with Chiara Formichi) in: Shiʿism in Southeast Asia: Alid Piety and Sectarian Constructions, (London: Hurst, 2015)

 • “State Shariʿa and its Limits,” in: Islam and the Limits of the State: Reconfigurations of Ritual, Doctrine, and Authority in Contemporary Aceh, co-edited with David Kloos & Annemarie Samuels (Leiden: Brill, 2015)

• (with Kerry Sieh, et al.) “Penultimate Predecessors of the 2014 Indian Ocean Tsunami in Aceh, Sumatra: Stratigraphic, Archaeological, and Historical Evidence,” Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 120 (2014) doi:10.1002/2014JB011538

 • “Muslim Religious Authority in Modern Asia: Established Patterns and Evolving Profiles,” in Asian Journal of Social Science, 42.5 (2014): 501-516

 • “A Wall in the Woods: Note on the Recently Discovered Site at Kreung Jeureungeh, North Aceh,” Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 170.1 (2014): 99-106

 • “Adat dan Idealisme dalam Pemikiran Hukum Mohammad Koesnoe,” in: Mohammad Koesnoe dalam Pengembaraan Gagasan Hukum Indonesia, Ed. Joeni Arianto Kurniawan (Jakarta: Epistema Institut, 2013): 139-156

 • “Hand, Heart and Handphone: State Sharia in the Age of the SMS,” Contemporary Islam 7.1 (April 2013): 18pp – DOI 10.1007/s11562-013-0244-0

 • “Official Religions, State Secularisms and the Structures of Religious Pluralism,” in: Proselytizing and the Limits of Religious Pluralism in Contemporary Asia, Juliana Finucane & R. Michael Feener, eds. (Dordrecht: Springer 2013): 1-16

 • “Social Engineering through Shariʿa: Islamic Law as State-Directed Daʿwa in Contemporary Aceh,” Islamic Law and Society 19.3 (June 2012): 275-311

 • “Why Study Islamic Legal Professionals?” (with Clark Lombardi), Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal 21.1 (January 2012): 1-12

• “The Islamic Judicial Structure in Indonesia,” (with Mark Cammack), Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal 21.1 (January 2012): 13-42

 • “The Acehnese Past and its Present State of Study,” in: R. Michael Feener, Patrick Daly, and Anthony Reid, Eds. Mapping the Acehnese Past (Leiden: KITLV Press, 2011): 1-24

• “Southeast Asian Localisations of Islam and Participation within a Global Umma, c. 1500-1800,” The New Cambridge History of Islam, volume 3. Anthony Reid and David Morgan, Eds., (Cambridge University Press, 2010): 470-503

• “New Networks and New Knowledge: Migrations, Communications and the Refiguration of the Muslim Community in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries,” The New Cambridge History of Islam, volume 6. Robert Hefner, Ed., (Cambridge University Press, 2010): 39-68

• “Emergency and Islamic Law in Aceh,” (with Michelle Miller) in Victor Ramraj and Arun Thiruvengadam, Eds., Law and Emergency Powers in Asia: Exploring the Limits of Legality (Cambridge University Press, 2010): 213-236

 • “Secularization, Religion, and the State,” in: Haneda Masashi, Ed., Secularization, Religion, and the State (University of Tokyo Centre for Philosophy, 2010): 13-19

• “Issues and Ideologies in the Study of Regional Muslim Cultures, ” in R. Michael Feener & Terenjit Sevea (Eds.), Islamic Connections: Muslim Societies of South and Southeast Asia (Institute of Southeast Asian Studies Press, 2009): 13-23

• “Joint Marital Property in Indonesian Customary, Islamic, and National Law, ” (co-authored with Mark Cammack) The Law Applied: Contextualizing the Islamic Shariʿa, Peri Bearman, Wolfhard Heinrichs, & Bernard G. Weiss, Eds., (London: I.B. Tauris, 2008): 92-115

 • “A Javanese Muslim Life of Learning: Professor Dr. Haji Mohamad Koesnoe, ” Muslim Voices, Muslim Lives, Frances Trix & John Walbridge, Eds. (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008): 137-148 Reprint of new edition forthcoming 2015

 • “Cross-Cultural Contexts of Modern Muslim Intellectualism,” Die Welt des Islams, 47.3-4 (2007): 264-282

• “Islamic Law in Indonesia: Formations of a Modern Tradition,” (with Mark Cammack) in: Islamic Law in Contemporary Indonesia: Ideas and Institutions, (R. Michael Feener & Mark Cammack, Eds., (Harvard University Press, 2007): 1-12

 • “Muslim Legal Thought in Modern Indonesia: Introduction and Overview,” in: Islamic Law in Contemporary Indonesia: Ideas and Institutions, (R. Michael Feener & Mark Cammack, Eds., (Harvard University Press, 2007): 13-26

 • “Constructions of Religious Authority in Indonesian Islamism: ‘The Way and the Community’ Re-Imagined,” Islamic Legitimacy in a Plural Asia, Anthony Reid and Michael Gilsenan, Eds., (London: Routledge, 2007): 139-153

• “Contemporary Islam and Intellectual History,” Institute for the Study of Islam in the Modern World (ISIM) Review 17 (Spring 2006): 24-25

• “Sufi Scents across the Indian Ocean: Yemeni Hagiography and the Earliest History of Southeast Asian Islam,” (with Michael F. Laffan) Archipel 70 (2005): 185-207

 • “Islam and the ‘Arab Network’ in Early Modern History,” Population Movement beyond the Middle East: Migration, Diaspora, and Network. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology / JCAS Symposium Series, 17 (2005): 147- 164

• “Indonesia,” (with Nelly van Doorn-Harder) in: Muslim Cultures Today: A Reference Guide, Kathryn M. Coughlin, Ed., (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2005): 77-88

 • “Hybridity and the ‘Hadhrami Diaspora’ in the Indian Ocean Muslim Networks,” Asian Journal of Social Science 32.3 (2004): 353-372

• “Islam: An Historical Introduction and Overview,” in: R. Michael Feener, Ed., Islam in World Cultures: Comparative Perspectives, (Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO Publishers, 2004): 1-39

 • “Indonesian Movements for the Creation of a ‘National Madhhab,” Islamic Law and Society, 9.1 (2001): 83-115 Reprinted in abridged form in Dawrah Fiqh Concerning Women: A Manual for a course on Islam and Gender, Husein Muhammad, et al., Eds., (Cirebon, Indonesia: Fahmina Institut, 2006): 269-278

 • “Shaykh Yusuf and the Appreciation of Muslim ‘Saints’ in Modern Indonesia,” Journal for Islamic Studies, v. 18-19 (1999): 112-131

 • “Tabut: Muharram Observances in the History of Bengkulu,” Studia Islamika VI.2 (1999): 87-130

 • “Yemeni Sources for the History of Islam in Indonesia,” La Transmission du Savoir dans le Monde Musulman Périphérique 19 (1999): 128-144

• “Notes toward a History of Qurʾanic Exegesis in Southeast Asia,” Studia Islamika V.3 (1998): 49-76

• “A Re-examination of the Place of al-Hallâj in the History of Islam in Southeast Asia,” Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 154.iv (1998): 571-592


مجموعة رقمية (محرر ومساهم):

• “NGOs, Religion and Development,” series guest-edited for The Oxford Department of International Development (ODID) blog, Spring 2018: http://www.qeh.ox.ac.uk/blog/religion-and-ngos-understanding-new-globalconfigurations-humanitarian-development-and-‘faith

• “Religion and NGOs,” podcast series guest-edited for The Religious Studies Project, Autumn 2017: http://www.religiousstudiesproject.com/2017/11/09/religion-and-ngosarchive

مراجعات :

• “Review of: The Idea of the Muslim World: A Global Intellectual History (Cemil Aydin),” in Reading Religion (October 2017)

 • “Review of: Hamka’s Great Story: A Master Writer’s Vision of Islam for Modern Indonesia (James R. Rush),” in Religion 97.4 (October 2017)

 • “Review of: The Politics of Islamic Law: Local Elites, Colonial Authority, and the Making of the Muslim State (Iza R. Husin),” in Law and History 35.1 (February 2017)

 • Review of: From Anatolia to Aceh: Ottoman, Turks and Southeast Asia (Andrew C.S. Peacock & Annabel Teh Gallop, Eds.),” in Southeast Asian Studies (2016)

• “Review of: The Golden Wave: Culture and Politics after Sri Lanka’s Tsunami Disaster (Michele Ruth Gamburd),” in Asian Ethnology (2014)

• “Review of: Asian Islam in the 21st Century (John L. Esposito, John O. Voll, and Osman Abubakar, Eds.) Journal of Islamic Studies 19 (2008)

• “Review of: Islam and State in Sumatra: A Study of Seventeenth-Century Aceh (Amirul Hadi) International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies 39.2 (2007)

• “Review of: Islamic Thought in the Twentieth Century (Suha Taji-Farouki and Basheer M. Nafi, Eds.) Middle East Studies Association Bulletin 40.1 (2006)

• “Review of: Historical Dictionary of Sufism (John Renard) H-NET Asia (2006)

• “Review Essay: Durga’s Mosque: Cosmology, Conversion, and Community in Central Javanese Islam (Stephen C. Headley) Indonesia 80 (October 2005): 197-201

 • “Review of: Religious Networks between the Middle East and Southeast Asia International Institute of Asian Studies Workshop - Cairo, 24-26 October 2003,” International Institute of Asian Studies Newsletter (Spring 2004)

• “Review of: The Qurʾanic Concept of Umma and its Function in Philippine Muslim Society (George C. Decasa),” Religious Studies Review 26.3 (2000)

 • “Review of: Historical Dictionary of Islamic Fundamentalist Movements in the Arab World, Iran, and Turkey (Ahmad S. Moussalli),” Religious Studies Review 26.3 (2000)

 • “Review of: Hadhrami Traders, Scholars, and Statesmen in the Indian Ocean, 1750s1960s (U. Freitag & W.G. Clarence-Smith, Eds.),” Religious Studies Review 25.4 (1999)

 • “Review of: Kyai Abdul Wahid Hasyim: His Contribution to Muslim Educational Reform and Indonesian Nationalism during the Twentieth Century (Achmad Zaini),” Middle East Studies Association Bulletin 33.1 (1999)

 • “Review of: The History of al-Tabari, Vol. VIII: The Victory of Islam (trans. Michael Fishbein),” Middle East Studies Association Bulletin 32.2 (1998)

ادخالات الموسوعة :

• “Majlis Permusyawaratan Ulama [Aceh],” in Encyclopædia of Islam, 3rd Edition (Leiden: E.J. Brill, forthcoming)

• “Jakarta Charter,” in Encyclopædia of Islam, 3rd Edition (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2017)

 • “Mahkama Syarʿiyah Aceh,” in Encyclopædia of Islam, 3rd Edition (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2017)

• “A. Hassan,” in Encyclopædia of Islam, 3rd Edition (Leiden: Brill, 2016)

• “H.B. Jassin,” in Encyclopædia of Islam, 3rd Edition (Leiden: Brill, 2016)

• “Ali Hasjmy,” in Encyclopædia of Islam, 3rd Edition (Leiden: Brill, 2016)

• “Hasbi AshShiddieqy,” in Encyclopædia of Islam, 3rd Edition (Leiden: Brill, 2016)

 • “Hazairin,” in Encyclopædia of Islam, 3rd Edition (Leiden: Brill, 2016)

 • “Dewan Daʿwah Islamiyah Indonesia (DDII),” Encyclopædia of Islam, 3rd Edition (Leiden: Brill, 2017)

• “Darul Arqam,” Encyclopædia of Islam, 3rd Edition (Leiden: Brill, forthcoming)

• “M. Natsir,” in The Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Law, Ed. Jonathan Brown and Clark B. Lombardi (Oxford University Press)

• “Islamic Modernism,” World History Encyclopedia (Santa Barbara: ABCClio, 2009)

 • “Southeast Asian Literature and the Qurʾan,” Encyclopedia of the Qur’an, (Leiden: Brill, 2005)

• “Shaykh Yusuf Makassar,” Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim World, Ed. Richard C. Martin (Thomson-Gale, 2003)

النصوص التعليمية:

• Senior Curriculum Advisor for: Interweaving Cultures: Islam in Southeast Asia – A Guide for Teachers and Students. New York: Asia Society, 2007

• Patterns of Islamization in Indonesia: A Curriculum Unit for PostSecondary Level Educators (with Anna Gade), Ithaca: Cornell University Southeast Asia Program, 1999


وله عدد كبير من المنشورات الاخرى , يرجى الرجوع الى المصدر للاطلاع عليها

بالرابط التالي :


فروع المركز

فروع المركز

للمركز الإسلامي للدراسات الإستراتيجية ثلاثة فروع في ثلاثة بلدان
  • العنوان

  • البريد الإلكتروني

  • الهاتف