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كيارا فورميتشي

كيارا فورميتشي

الإسم اللاتيني :  Chiara Formichi
البلد :  ايطالية
التاريخ :  ... - معاصرة
القرن :  20 - 21
الدين : 
التخصص :  الدراسات الاسلامية - إندونيسيا - الشيعة

تركز على الإسلام كدين وكأيديولوجية سياسية في القرن العشرين في إندونيسيا وجنوب شرق آسيا على نطاق أوسع , "الجدل والنقاش في الإسلام" والحلقات الدراسية المتقدمة "المقاومة الإسلامية: الإسلام الشيعي في آسيا" و "أداء الإسلام في جنوب شرق آسيا".

التعليم :

2009 دكتوراه ، تاريخ جنوب شرق آسيا

كلية الدراسات الشرقية والأفريقية ، لندن (المملكة المتحدة)

2005 م. ، دراسات جنوب شرق آسيا

كلية الدراسات الشرقية والأفريقية ، لندن (المملكة المتحدة)

2004 لوريا بامتياز (بكالوريوس مع مرتبة الشرف) ، الدراسات الإسلامية

جامعة روما "لا سابينزا" (إيطاليا).

من منشوراتها ( باللغة الاصلية ) :

Monographs 2012 Islam and the Making of the Nation: Kartosuwiryo and Political Islam in 20th century Indonesia (Leiden: KITLV; Manoa: University of Hawai’i Press). Published Reviews: Oriente Moderno (2012); Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land-, en Volkenkunde (2013); Journal of Islamic Studies (2014); Asian Journal of Social Sciences (2014); Pacific Affairs (2015); Southeast Asia Research (2015); Indonesia (2015) .

Editorship (Edited Volumes and Journal Special Issues)

2015 Formichi and Feener (eds), Shi‘ism in Southeast Asia: ‘Alid piety and Sectarian Constructions (New York: Oxford University Press; London: Hurst Publishers).

2015 Formichi and O’Connor (guest editors), “Overlooked Religions in Hong Kong,” Asian Anthropology 14 (1).

 2013 Formichi (ed.), Religious Pluralism, State and Society in Asia (London: Routledge).

 Refereed Journal Articles

 2015 “(Re)Writing the History of Political Islam in Indonesia,” Sojourn, 30 (1): 105-140.

 2015 “Religion as an Overlooked Category in Hong Kong Legislation,” Asian Anthropology, 14 (1): 21-32.

2015 “Introduction: Overlo.

2014 “Violence, Sectarianism, and the Politics of Religion: Articulations of anti-Shi’a Discourses in Indonesia,” Indonesia, 98 (October): 1-27.

2014 “Shaping Shiʿa Identities in Contemporary Indonesia between Local Tradition and Foreign Orthodoxy,” Die Welt des Islams, 54: 212-236.

 2014 “From Fluid Identities to Sectarian Labels: A Historical Investigation of Indonesia’s Shi’i Communities,” al-Jami’ah: Journal of Islamic Studies, 52 (1): 101-126

 2011 “Why did Kartosuwiryo Start Shooting?: an Account of Dutch-Republican-Islamic Forces’ Interaction in West Java, 1945-49,” Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 43 (3): 458-486. (with R. Elson).

 2010 “Pan-Islam and Religious Nationalism: the Case of Kartosuwiryo and Negara Islam Indonesia,” Indonesia, 90 (October): 125-146.

 Book Chapters

 2015 “One Big Family? Dynamics of Interaction among the ‘Lovers of the Ahlul Bayt’,” in Shi‘ism in Southeast Asia, pp. 269-291.

 2015 “Debating ‘Shi‘ism’ in Muslim Southeast Asia,” in Shi‘ism in Southeast Asia, pp. 3-15. (with R.M. Feener)

2015 “Indonesian Readings of Turkish History, 1890s to 1940s,” in A.C.S. Peacock and Annabel The Gallop (eds), From Anatolia to Aceh: Ottomans, Turks and Southeast Asia (Oxford: Oxford University Press), pp. 241-260.

2015 “xxx,” in Biancamaria Scarcia and Leila Karami (eds), Il Protagonismo delle Donne in Terra d’Islam: Appunti per una Lettura Storico-Politica (Roma, Ediesse) pp.

2013 “Mustafa Kemal's Abrogation of the Ottoman Caliphate and its Impact on the Indonesian Nationalist Movement,” in Madawi al-Rasheed, Carool Kersten, Marat Shterin (eds), Demystifying the Caliphate: Historical Memory and Contemporary Contexts (New York: Columbia University Press; London: Hurst Publishers), pp. 95-115.

 2013 “Religious Pluralism, State and Society in Asia,” in Formichi (ed.), Religious Pluralism, State and Society in Asia (London: Routledge), pp. 1-9.

 Encyclopedia Entries (peer-reviewed)

2014 “Darul Islam,” The Encyclopaedia of Islam Three, (Leiden: Brill).

 Other Refereed Publications

2014 “Contemporary Patterns in Transregional Islam: Indonesia’s Shi‘a,” “Middle East Institute” (Washington, DC) Middle East-Asia Project (October).

 2014 “Shia-Sunni Relations in Indonesia,” Live Encounters (January).

 2012 “The Shadow of the Ayatollah,” Inside Indonesia 108 (Apr-June).

2011 “Lovers of the Ahl al-Bayt: Indonesia’s Shi’a are moving ahead between local traditions and foreign orthodoxy,” Inside Indonesia 105 (Jul-Sept).

 2009 “Beyond Terrorism and Martyrdom,” Inside Indonesia 95 (Jan-Mar).

Book Reviews and Review Essays

2015 “Review: The Buddha on Mecca’s Verandah, Irving Chan Johnson”, in Southeast Asian Studies, 4 (2):408-411.

 2015 “Review: Violence and Vengeance, Christopher R. Duncan,” in South East Asia Research, 23 (1).

 2015 “Review: Islam and China’s Hong Kong: Ethnic identity, Muslim networks and the New Silk Road, Wai-yip Ho,” in Asian Anthropology, 13 (2): 161-163.

 2014 “Review: The Makings of Indonesian Islam, Michael Laffan,” in Asiatische Studien/Etudes Asiatiques, LXVIII (3).

 2014 “Review: Women, Leadership, and Mosques: Changes in Contemporary Islamic Authority, Masooda Bano and Hilary Kalmbach, eds,” in South East Asia Research, 22 (1): 145-147.

2013 Review article: “Perspectives on the ‘Politics and Religion’ Nexus in Southern Asia,” in South East Asia Research, 21 (3): 545-550.

 2013 “Review: Islam in Hong Kong: Muslims and Everyday Life in China’s World City, Paul O’Connor,” in Asian Anthropology, 12(1):76-78.

2012 Review Essay: “Is an Islamic Democracy Possible? Perspectives from Contemporary Southeast Asia,” Masdar Hilmy, Islamism and Democracy in Indonesia: Piety and Pragmatism; Julian C.H. Lee, Islamization and Activism in Malaysia, Bernhard Platzdasch, Islamism in Indonesia: Politics in the Emerging Democracy, in South East Asia Research, 20 (1): 133-138.

2012 “Review: The end of Innocence? Indonesian Islam and the Temptations of Radicalism, Andree Feillard and Remy Madinier (translated by Wong Wee),” in Journal of South East Asian Studies, 43 (2).

2012 “Review: Heretics or Cosmopolitans?, New Muslim Intellectuals and the Study of Islam, Carool Kersten,” in Journal of International and Global Studies, 4 (1).

2012 “Review: L’Indonésie, entre démocratie musulmane et Islam intégral; Histoire du parti Masjumi (1945-1960), Rémy Madinier,” in Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde (BKI) 168 (4).


رابط المصدر :

http:// http://cornell.academia.edu/ChiaraFormichi

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